Top 1 record order by column and random

  • Hi,
    Please find the below sample records to play with. basically i am looking to get top 1  ramdomized  record. assume in my actual table i have 100*100 records. the tricky here is first  randomization has to apply for the condition IsMember = 1.  if there is no IsMember = 1 then randomization can apply to IsMember = 0.
    Declare @T Table(Id int identity(1,1), name varchar(100),IsMember bit)

    insert into @T(name,IsMember)

    select 'Tom1', 1 union all
    select 'Tom2', 1 union all
    select 'Tom3', 1 union all
    select 'Tom4', 1 union all
    select 'Tom5', 1 union all
    select 'Tom6', 0 union all
    select 'Tom7',0 union all
    select 'Tom8', 1 union all
    select 'Tom9', 0 union all
    select 'Tom10', 1 union all
    select 'Tom11', 0

    any best way to achieve this. tried googling and got advice to use order by newid(). but i am not sure  how to apply the order by  for IsMember conditional logic of my records. any sample query please

  • Just put IsMember at the front of the order by 😀


  • thank you. it worked

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