Is there way to check when server failover AlwaysOn?

  • Is there a simple query that i can execute and find when my DB's failed over to secondary? I can look at few other application related stuff to figure it out but was wondering it would be cool to just have a simple query which will tell me when the failover happened?

  • Hi

    You may try the script below to query the SQL error logs. There you will see when a failover happened.

    declare @Time_Start datetime;

    declare @Time_End datetime;

    set @Time_Start=getdate()-2;

    set @Time_End=getdate();

    -- Create the temporary table

    CREATE TABLE #ErrorLog (logdate datetime

    , processinfo varchar(500)

    , Message varchar(MAX))

    -- Populate the temporary table

    INSERT #ErrorLog (logdate, processinfo, Message)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_readerrorlog 0, 1, null, null , @Time_Start, @Time_End, N'desc';

    -- Filter the temporary table

    SELECT LogDate, Message FROM #ErrorLog

    WHERE (Message LIKE '%error%' OR Message LIKE '%failed%') AND processinfo NOT LIKE 'logon'

    ORDER BY logdate DESC

    -- Drop the temporary table

    DROP TABLE #ErrorLog

    Furthermore, below is a script to see the status of your AAG synchronization state, health status and which replica is currently the PRIMARY.


    GETDATE() AS DateTimeCaptured







    FROM sys.availability_replicas r INNER JOIN

    sys.dm_hadr_availability_replica_states s

    ON r.replica_id=s.replica_id INNER JOIN

    sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states d

    ON s.replica_id=d.replica_id

    ORDER BY s.role_desc, r.replica_server_name DESC

    Best Regards,


  • Are you asking about a failover cluster or an availability group?

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