How to get a "Cumulative" weely report?

  • My task is to get a cumulative weekly status report, for a period of time, i.e. last 12-month. The source data looks like below:
    ProductId    Status    UpdatedOn
    264525    Initiated    12/28/2016
    264525    Ordered    12/29/2016
    264525    Completed    12/31/2016
    264526    Initiated    1/28/2017
    264526    Ordered    1/29/2017
    264526    Completed    1/30/2017

    and the report should be formatted like this, starts from Thu. and end at Wed.:
    BeginOfWeek(Thu)    EndOfWeek(Wed)    Initiated    Ordered    Completed
    12/29/2016               1/4/2017                 3               5             4
    1/5/2017                   1/11/2017              2               3              6
    9/14/2017                 9/20/2017               3              4              1

    I have a stored procedure to get a weekly status, and need to figure out a way to run it cumulatively for last 52-weeks.
    Please advise. Thank you in advance.

  • Create a calendar table with a single day in each row, and a column for the week name or number.  You can then join to that table and use the week name or number to group your data and produce the counts you're looking for.

    For more detailed help, please provide table DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statement(s) and sample data in the form of INSERT statement(s) and show us what you've tried so far.


  • John Mitchell-245523 - Monday, September 25, 2017 8:17 AM

    Create a calendar table with a single day in each row, and a column for the week name or number.  You can then join to that table and use the week name or number to group your data and produce the counts you're looking for.

    For more detailed help, please provide table DDL in the form of CREATE TABLE statement(s) and sample data in the form of INSERT statement(s) and show us what you've tried so far.


    Thanks for your reply, John.  Below is the code for  my tables. However, I'm still struggling to get grouped weekly data per row.

    -- Calendar Table
    If (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbCalendar') is not null) Drop Table #tbCalendar
    Create Table #tbCalendar (CalendarDate datetime, WD_Num int)
    Declare    @StartDate datetime = (Select Convert(datetime, '12/1/2016'))
            , @EndDate datetime = (Select Convert(datetime, '12/31/2017'))
        While @StartDate <= @EndDate
                Insert Into #tbCalendar (CalendarDate, WD_Num)
                Select    @StartDate, DATEPART(DW, @StartDate)
                Set    @StartDate = DATEADD(dd, 1, @StartDate)           

    -- Product Table
    If (OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tbProducts') is not null) Drop Table #tbProducts
    Create Table #tbProducts (ProductId int, Prod_Status varchar(25), Updatedon datetime)
    Insert Into #tbProducts (ProductId, Prod_Status, Updatedon)
        Values (10001, 'Initiated', Convert(datetime, '12/28/2016'))
             , (10001, 'Ordered', Convert(datetime, '12/29/2016'))
             , (10001, 'Completed', Convert(datetime, '12/31/2016'))
             , (10002, 'Initiated', Convert(datetime, '1/12/2017'))
             , (10002, 'Ordered', Convert(datetime, '1/14/2017'))
             , (10002, 'Completed', Convert(datetime, '1/16/2017'))
             , (10003, 'Initiated', Convert(datetime, '2/1/2017'))
             , (10003, 'Ordered', Convert(datetime, '2/3/2017'))
             , (10003, 'Completed', Convert(datetime, '2/9/2017'))
             , (10004, 'Initiated', Convert(datetime, '3/28/2017'))
             , (10004, 'Ordered', Convert(datetime, '3/30/2017'))

        -- join two tables, with initiated product status as an example
        Select    Count(*) as InitiatedProd
        From     #tbProducts p
                    Inner Join    #tbCalendar c on c.CalendarDate = p.Updatedon
        Where    p.Prod_Status = 'Initiated'
        -- Drop Table #tbCalendar
        -- Drop Table #Products

  • In your Calendar table, you need to number your weeks, not the day of the week.  So 2017-09-14 (Wednesday) would be week 20 (say), so would 2017-09-15, so would 2017-09-16, and so on, then 2017-09-21 would be week 21, and so on.  And don't forget to put a GROUP BY clause in your SELECT statement, otherwise you'll just get a count of all the rows returned by the SELECT.


  • getting one step closer to the solution:
    Select    Count(*) as InitiatedProd, c.Wk_number
    From    #tbProducts p
                Inner Join    (Select CalendarDate, WD_Num, datediff(WEEK, '12/31/2017', CalendarDate) as Wk_number From #tbCalendar)
                c on c.CalendarDate = p.Updatedon
    Where    p.Prod_Status = 'Initiated'
    Group by Wk_number

  • jay-125866 - Monday, September 25, 2017 8:06 AM

    My task is to get a cumulative weekly status report, for a period of time, i.e. last 12-month. The source data looks like below:
    ProductId    Status    UpdatedOn
    264525    Initiated    12/28/2016
    264525    Ordered    12/29/2016
    264525    Completed    12/31/2016
    264526    Initiated    1/28/2017
    264526    Ordered    1/29/2017
    264526    Completed    1/30/2017

    and the report should be formatted like this, starts from Thu. and end at Wed.:
    BeginOfWeek(Thu)    EndOfWeek(Wed)    Initiated    Ordered    Completed
    12/29/2016               1/4/2017                 3               5             4
    1/5/2017                   1/11/2017              2               3              6
    9/14/2017                 9/20/2017               3              4              1

    I have a stored procedure to get a weekly status, and need to figure out a way to run it cumulatively for last 52-weeks.
    Please advise. Thank you in advance.

    Hey You can use the datefirst. By default its set to 7 i.e saturday. below us the solution
    Source data
    pid    status    updatedon
    1    initiated    2017-09-28
    2    initiated    2017-09-28
    3    Completed    2017-09-28
    4    ordered    2017-09-28
    5    initiated    2017-09-28
    6    initiated    2017-09-22
    7    Completed    2017-09-21
    8    ordered    2017-09-26
    9    initiated    2017-09-24

    set datefirst 4 --set thursday as your week startday

    declare @d date ='2017-9-10'

    select DATEADD(D,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@d)-7,@d) as week_start_date,DATEADD(D,7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@d),@d) as week_end_date

    create table dbo.tbl
    pid int,
    status varchar(10),
    updatedon date

    insert into dbo.tbl
    select 6,'initiated',GETDATE()-6
    union all
    select 7,'Completed',GETDATE()-7
    union all
    select 8,'ordered',GETDATE()-2
    union all
    select 9,'initiated',GETDATE()-4

    select *,DATEADD(D,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,updatedon)-7,updatedon) as week_start_date,DATEADD(D,7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,updatedon),updatedon) as week_end_date
    from dbo.tbl

    pid    status    updatedon    week_start_date    week_end_date
    1    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    2    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    3    Completed    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    4    ordered    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    5    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    6    initiated    2017-09-22    2017-09-17    2017-09-27
    7    Completed    2017-09-21    2017-09-15    2017-09-27
    8    ordered    2017-09-26    2017-09-25    2017-09-27
    9    initiated    2017-09-24    2017-09-21    2017-09-27

    Pivot the below table and you will get the desired output. 

    select *
    from dbo.tbl
    pivot(count(pid) for status in([initiated],[Completed])) as p;

    First solve the problem then write the code !

  • abatra002 - Thursday, September 28, 2017 7:54 AM

    jay-125866 - Monday, September 25, 2017 8:06 AM

    My task is to get a cumulative weekly status report, for a period of time, i.e. last 12-month. The source data looks like below:
    ProductId    Status    UpdatedOn
    264525    Initiated    12/28/2016
    264525    Ordered    12/29/2016
    264525    Completed    12/31/2016
    264526    Initiated    1/28/2017
    264526    Ordered    1/29/2017
    264526    Completed    1/30/2017

    and the report should be formatted like this, starts from Thu. and end at Wed.:
    BeginOfWeek(Thu)    EndOfWeek(Wed)    Initiated    Ordered    Completed
    12/29/2016               1/4/2017                 3               5             4
    1/5/2017                   1/11/2017              2               3              6
    9/14/2017                 9/20/2017               3              4              1

    I have a stored procedure to get a weekly status, and need to figure out a way to run it cumulatively for last 52-weeks.
    Please advise. Thank you in advance.

    Hey You can use the datefirst. By default its set to 7 i.e saturday. below us the solution
    Source data
    pid    status    updatedon
    1    initiated    2017-09-28
    2    initiated    2017-09-28
    3    Completed    2017-09-28
    4    ordered    2017-09-28
    5    initiated    2017-09-28
    6    initiated    2017-09-22
    7    Completed    2017-09-21
    8    ordered    2017-09-26
    9    initiated    2017-09-24

    set datefirst 4 --set thursday as your week startday

    declare @d date ='2017-9-10'

    select DATEADD(D,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@d)-7,@d) as week_start_date,DATEADD(D,7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@d),@d) as week_end_date

    create table dbo.tbl
    pid int,
    status varchar(10),
    updatedon date

    insert into dbo.tbl
    select 6,'initiated',GETDATE()-6
    union all
    select 7,'Completed',GETDATE()-7
    union all
    select 8,'ordered',GETDATE()-2
    union all
    select 9,'initiated',GETDATE()-4

    select *,DATEADD(D,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,updatedon)-7,updatedon) as week_start_date,DATEADD(D,7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,updatedon),updatedon) as week_end_date
    from dbo.tbl

    pid    status    updatedon    week_start_date    week_end_date
    1    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    2    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    3    Completed    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    4    ordered    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    5    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    6    initiated    2017-09-22    2017-09-17    2017-09-27
    7    Completed    2017-09-21    2017-09-15    2017-09-27
    8    ordered    2017-09-26    2017-09-25    2017-09-27
    9    initiated    2017-09-24    2017-09-21    2017-09-27

    Pivot the below table and you will get the desired output. 

    select *
    from dbo.tbl
    pivot(count(pid) for status in([initiated],[Completed])) as p;

    This is great, thank you very much!

  • jay-125866 - Thursday, September 28, 2017 10:11 AM

    abatra002 - Thursday, September 28, 2017 7:54 AM

    jay-125866 - Monday, September 25, 2017 8:06 AM

    My task is to get a cumulative weekly status report, for a period of time, i.e. last 12-month. The source data looks like below:
    ProductId    Status    UpdatedOn
    264525    Initiated    12/28/2016
    264525    Ordered    12/29/2016
    264525    Completed    12/31/2016
    264526    Initiated    1/28/2017
    264526    Ordered    1/29/2017
    264526    Completed    1/30/2017

    and the report should be formatted like this, starts from Thu. and end at Wed.:
    BeginOfWeek(Thu)    EndOfWeek(Wed)    Initiated    Ordered    Completed
    12/29/2016               1/4/2017                 3               5             4
    1/5/2017                   1/11/2017              2               3              6
    9/14/2017                 9/20/2017               3              4              1

    I have a stored procedure to get a weekly status, and need to figure out a way to run it cumulatively for last 52-weeks.
    Please advise. Thank you in advance.

    Hey You can use the datefirst. By default its set to 7 i.e saturday. below us the solution
    Source data
    pid    status    updatedon
    1    initiated    2017-09-28
    2    initiated    2017-09-28
    3    Completed    2017-09-28
    4    ordered    2017-09-28
    5    initiated    2017-09-28
    6    initiated    2017-09-22
    7    Completed    2017-09-21
    8    ordered    2017-09-26
    9    initiated    2017-09-24

    set datefirst 4 --set thursday as your week startday

    declare @d date ='2017-9-10'

    select DATEADD(D,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@d)-7,@d) as week_start_date,DATEADD(D,7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,@d),@d) as week_end_date

    create table dbo.tbl
    pid int,
    status varchar(10),
    updatedon date

    insert into dbo.tbl
    select 6,'initiated',GETDATE()-6
    union all
    select 7,'Completed',GETDATE()-7
    union all
    select 8,'ordered',GETDATE()-2
    union all
    select 9,'initiated',GETDATE()-4

    select *,DATEADD(D,DATEPART(WEEKDAY,updatedon)-7,updatedon) as week_start_date,DATEADD(D,7-DATEPART(WEEKDAY,updatedon),updatedon) as week_end_date
    from dbo.tbl

    pid    status    updatedon    week_start_date    week_end_date
    1    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    2    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    3    Completed    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    4    ordered    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    5    initiated    2017-09-28    2017-09-22    2017-10-04
    6    initiated    2017-09-22    2017-09-17    2017-09-27
    7    Completed    2017-09-21    2017-09-15    2017-09-27
    8    ordered    2017-09-26    2017-09-25    2017-09-27
    9    initiated    2017-09-24    2017-09-21    2017-09-27

    Pivot the below table and you will get the desired output. 

    select *
    from dbo.tbl
    pivot(count(pid) for status in([initiated],[Completed])) as p;

    This is great, thank you very much!

    Make sure u use this approach when your source table has 100s or 1000s of rows. If  there are millions of them; u should use the dummy calendar table(create it the same way setting the datefirst to 4 and loop it to dates). Because calling a function in select makes the approach ROW-based rather than SET based.

    First solve the problem then write the code !

  • TheCTEGuy - Thursday, September 28, 2017 9:46 PM

    Because calling a function in select makes the approach ROW-based rather than SET based.

    Only if the function is a user-defined function.  A system function won't do any harm in the SELECT clause. In the WHERE clause, it could make the predicate non-sargable, thereby forcing index seeks instead of scans.


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