How to execute dynamic sql statement

  • ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Employee
     @IdList NVARCHAR(3500)

     @SqlStatement NVARCHAR(4000) =
       INSERT INTO #Employee
       EmployeeId IN (' + @IdList + N');

     IF ( OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employee')  IS NOT NULL )
      DROP TABLE #Employee;

     CREATE TABLE #Employee
      EmployeeId INTEGER NOT NULL

     EXEC ( @SqlStatement )

    DROP TABLE #Employee;


  • What is your question here exactly?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Also, that SP wide open for injection.

    Edit: Ok, honestly, that entire SQL is a mess. You have a table [Employee] and a SP called [Employee] You can't do that, hyou can't have two objects with the same name.What are you trying.

    Then, as I said before,  This is WIDE open for injection.  Renaming the SP to this (as again, you can't have 2 objects of the same name), the following would inject a create statement into your database and CREATE a table:
    EXEC Employee_sp '''''); CREATE TABLE Injection (ID int);--';


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • There is no need for dynamic SQL here. Instead, create a temp table & put the contents of IdList into it. From there, you can do what you need. This should solve the injection problem too.

    Also, the proc seems to follow alien logic:
    * Create temp table
    * Put some Ids in it
    * Drop the temp table
    What's the point of doing this?

    Finally, proc names should generally not be nouns – because a noun by itself does not tell you what the proc is doing.
    Better to use a verb-noun combination – InsertEmployee, DeleteEmployee etc etc.

  • This procedure is used for front end.
    In web page Based on the selection of Employee id's .. those id's should pass to this stored procedure.

    In the front end the Id's will generate in this format 475675,857479,487578
    with comma seperated ( All Id's will join with (,))

    SO these Id's i am trying to pass sql server database stored procedure
    Is there other way to write this procedure to avoid sql injection?

    The idea of this procedure is what ever we selected in the front end the employee id's and drop down selection start date and end date has to be passed to this procedure, So i am thinking we can create parameters in this procedure, As of now in the below procedure i have only @Idlist as i can filter with start and end date?


    ---Could any one give me the example what is the best way.

    ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Employee
    @IdList NVARCHAR(3500)

    @SqlStatement NVARCHAR(4000) =
    INSERT INTO #Employee
    EmployeeId IN (' + @IdList + N');

    IF ( OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Employee') IS NOT NULL )
    DROP TABLE #Employee;

    CREATE TABLE #Employee

    EXEC ( @SqlStatement )

    DROP TABLE #Employee;


  • My previous post (just above yours) asks some questions and proposes an alternative method which avoids injection.
    Perhaps you missed it? Please check again.

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