December 28, 2016 at 5:28 am
I am in need of a way to ignore reading signs, for example:
- I search on (like?) 921996 it will find the record with 92.1996 or 1219!96
Is there a way to achieve this?
December 28, 2016 at 6:38 am
not efficiently, because you would have to manipulate each column value.
what are we doing? stripping out just two specific values? stripping all non numeric characters? what about alpha characters?
with a function on a column name(rated one of the top 3 bad practices),
it will require a table scan every time you query, can be costly time wise and not very's a table scan, pulling all data into memory so it can be manipulated to strip out characters.
on a trivial table like my example below, it's quick enough to not be relevant, but do this to a million row table,and your performance drops dramatically into tens of minutes, which is why I mention the alternatives below
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#Temp]') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE [dbo].[#Temp]
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Temp] (
[Animal] VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
[SignToScan] VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO [#Temp]([ID],[Animal],[SignToScan])
SELECT '34','parrot','1219!96' UNION ALL
SELECT '52','ground hog','92.1996' UNION ALL
SELECT '47','marmoset','' UNION ALL
SELECT '85','chameleon','9219!96' UNION ALL
SELECT '84','whale','14.22!54' UNION ALL
SELECT '182','tapir','9m219!96'
--Two different examples below
--replace only two specific ones
SELECT *,REPLACE(REPLACE([SignToScan],'.',''),'!','')
FROM [#Temp]
WHERE REPLACE(REPLACE([SignToScan],'.',''),'!','') LIKE '921996%'
--replace anything non-numeric, so it strips out the 'm' in the tapir example
FROM [#Temp]
CROSS APPLY master.dbo.[StripNonNumeric_ITVF]([SignToScan]) AS [snni]
WHERE [snni].[CleanedText] LIKE '921996%'
so to be efficient, you want another column with the "Cleaned" text.
can you either clean the actual column, or add a new column?
a permanent one with the clean data is best, then you can easily index it.
An alternative is you could try to add a persisted, calculated column which strips the characters out, and then try to index tat.
yet another alternative is to create a view with the data all cleaned up, and then add an index on the view.
which ones work, and the way to tackle it, depends on your real data and requirements
December 28, 2016 at 6:58 am
The following is an example of Lowell's suggestion about implementing a computed column (ie: NonSignedProductCode). You can then create an index on that column and use it for searching.
Whether computed column is persisted is optional and debatable. I'm thinking that if the column is indexed, it can be non-persisted without a performance impact, if it's not included in the resultset.
ProductCode VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
AS CAST(REPLACE(REPLACE(ProductCode,'.',''),'!','') AS VARCHAR(20))
CREATE INDEX IX_NonSignedProductCode
ON dbo.Product ( NonSignedProductCode );
SELECT ProductCode FROM Product WHERE NonSignedProductCode = '997223';
"Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Instead, seek what they sought." - Matsuo Basho
December 28, 2016 at 9:45 am
peter 67432 (12/28/2016)
I am in need of a way to ignore reading signs, for example:- I search on (like?) 921996 it will find the record with 92.1996 or 1219!96
Is there a way to achieve this?
It it's uber important, create a persisted computed column on the table that strips all non digit characters from the column and use that to search on.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 2, 2017 at 5:10 am
Thanks for the help, I will add a computed column.
January 2, 2017 at 7:43 am
peter 67432 (1/2/2017)
Thanks for the help, I will add a computed column.
Like Jeff said, consider making it a persisted one.
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