
  • Hi
      I have below Query and i getting this error
    Column 'TCL$CLE.Store No_' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.

    SELECT     L.[Store No_], L.[Customer No_],  (L.[Amount (LCY)]) AS Amount,
    (Select SUM(L.[Amount (LCY)]) - CASE ISNULL
                              ((SELECT     ABS(SUM([Amount (LCY)])) AS EXPR1
                                  FROM         dbo.[TCL$GLEntry]
                                  WHERE     ([Customer No_] = L.[Customer No_]) AND ([Store No_] = L.[Store No_])), 0)
                          WHEN 0 THEN (ISNULL
                              ((SELECT     ABS(SUM([Amount (LCY)])) AS EXPR1
                                  FROM         dbo.[TCL$GLEntry]
                                  WHERE     ([Customer No_] = L.[Customer No_])), 0)) ELSE ISNULL
                              ((SELECT     ABS(SUM([Amount (LCY)])) AS EXPR1
                                  FROM         dbo.[TCL$GLEntry]
                                  WHERE     ([Customer No_] = L.[Customer No_]) AND ([Store No_] = L.[Store No_])), 0)
                          END) AS Balance
    FROM         dbo.[TCL$GLEntry] AS L LEFT OUTER JOIN
                          dbo.[TCL$Customer] AS C ON L.[Customer No_] = C.No_
    WHERE     (L.[TType] = 7)


  • I feel like I'm on a witch hunt now, as I've asked in your questions so many times (with no reply),but Jigjitsigh, DDL and Sample data... please.

    You're doing a SUM of your field SUM(L.[Amount (LCY)]) (which is from your base query) at the start of your SUB SELECT. Thus you need to do a GROUP BY in your base query or use an OVER clause and define your partitions in your SUM.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Tuesday, November 14, 2017 2:21 AM

    I feel like I'm on a witch hunt now, as I've asked in your questions so many times (with no reply),but Jigjitsigh, DDL and Sample data... please.

    You're doing a SUM of your field SUM(L.[Amount (LCY)]) (which is from your base query) at the start of your SUB SELECT. Thus you need to do a GROUP BY in your base query or use an OVER clause and define your partitions in your SUM.


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