Blog Post

SQLSaturday #250 Pittsburgh


SQLSaturday #250 Pittsburgh is in the books, and I'd like to sincerely thank the organizers, sponsors, volunteers, and speakers for making the event possible. I've been just doing the 9-5 drudgery of late, and the best part for me was interacting with a group of people who were interested in the same things I am and getting inspired again. All of the sessions I attended were well presented, and I learned something in every one of them. It was certainly worthwhile attending.

One of the afternoon speakers said "you know, it's Saturday and a beautiful day today, and you're all still here learning about SQL Server. Either you're crazy, or you love this stuff." A little bit of both was our collective response. For me, that craziness extended into Sunday, when I woke up early to learn about BIML. Haven't done that in a while! Thanks to all for motivating me to get my learning on again.


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