calculate the number of days between 2 dates but with an include/exclude day mask

  • I need to be able to calculate the total number of days between 2 dates, but there is an added bit of complexity.  There is a corresponding day mask that controls what days should be included in the calculation (eg MTWTFSSH, MT-TF--H)
    H being 'include holidays'

    Ive created some sql which does just what I want but im unable to build it into a function, only a stored procedure, but I cant execute this stored procedure inline with some sql.  Heres my SP

    -- =============================================
    -- Author:        <Author,,Name>
    -- Create date: <Create Date,,>
    -- Description:    <Description,,>
    -- =============================================
    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CalculateDayDifferenceWithDayMask]
        @StartDate datetime,
        @EndDate datetime,
        @DayMask varchar(10)
        -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
        -- interfering with SELECT statements.
        -- day mask includes/excludes the specifed days from the total caluculations
        -- for example if Thursday isnt specifed, we dont include them in the total
        --@DayMask example MTWTFSSH
        --                     MT--FSSH
        --       MTWTF--H

      DROP TABLE #LocalTempTable

        CREATE TABLE #LocalTempTable(DateOf DateTime,WeekDayName varchar(10),WeekDayNumber int)

        ;with AllDates AS
            SELECT @StartDate AS DateOf, datename(weekday,@StartDate) AS WeekDayName, datepart(weekday,@StartDate) AS WeekDayNumber
            UNION ALL
            SELECT DateOf+1, datename(weekday,DateOf+1), datepart(weekday,DateOf+1)
                FROM AllDates
            WHERE DateOf<@EndDate

        INSERT INTO #LocalTempTable (DateOf,WeekDayName,WeekDayNumber)
        SELECT * FROM AllDates

        --monday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 1, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 1

        --tuesday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 2, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 2

        --wednesday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 3, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 3

        --thursday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 4, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 4

        --friday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 5, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 5

        --saturday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 6, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 6

        --sunday mask
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 7, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where WeekDayNumber = 7

        --holiday mask (if not H delete where exists in ukHoliday table
        --this table MUST be kept up to date, as of today (19-may-2017 ive added holidays up to 26/12/2030)
        IF SUBSTRING(@DayMask, 7, 1) = '-' DELETE FROM #LocalTempTable where DateOf IN (SELECT HolidayDate FROM dbo.UKPublicHolidays)

        ---SELECT     COUNT(*) CountOf,WeekDayName FROM #LocalTempTable GROUP BY WeekDayName,WeekDayNumber ORDER BY WeekDayNumber

        SELECT     COUNT(*) FROM #LocalTempTable

    Ideally Id like call this as a function but I get errors when I try to create this code inside one (invalid use of side-effecting operator delete within a function)

    so i created it as a stored procedure, how do i call a stored procedure from within a sql statement, something like

    select locks.BlockStart,
    exec DateCalculateDayDifferenceWithDayMask(locks.BlockStartDate,locks.BlockEndDate,locks.DayMask)  as days from tablename

    this is part of a larger sql statement so ive simplified it to make it easier to read.  am I going about this the wrong way ? this is a pretty complex requirement and I cant really see any other way around it, is this even possible ?

  • Maybe create a function that parses the mask and returns a table of day numbers.  That table can be joined to any query to return just the days you want.

    Handling the holidays is a special case and will always need to be joined if the H is included in the mask.

  • CREATE function dbo.MaskWeekdays
        @Mask varchar(8)
        @DayNumbers TABLE (DayNumber int not null)

    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,1,1) = 'M' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers (DayNumber) VALUES(2);
    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,2,1) = 'T' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers VALUES(3);
    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,3,1) = 'W' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers VALUES(4);
    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,4,1) = 'T' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers VALUES(5);
    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,5,1) = 'F' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers VALUES(6);
    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,6,1) = 'S' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers VALUES(7);
    if SUBSTRING(@Mask,7,1) = 'S' INSERT INTO @DayNumbers VALUES(1);


    SELECT *
    FROM sys.objects
        IN (select DayNumber FROM dbo.MaskWeekdays('MTW--SSH'))

  • I ended up putting the code inside a table valued function then using (select count from functionname) which has done the trick

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