How to calculate cents for employees

  • I have a case where the total amount is divided by number of employees.( EMployees belongs to US and Non US countries)

    Eg - total amount - 116 when I divide by 6 employees = it will get 19.33
    but when 19.33 is multiplied with 6 it will return 115.98 ( 2 cents are missed here)

    So how to rounding to whole cents since we are taking total amount in US dollars / # of employees; By default these extra 2 cents should go to first US employee.
    Another Example -
    112.19 / 5 = 22.438.  
    Round to two decimal places - we can round down and make it 22.43 in which case 4 of them get $22.43 and ideally the first US person $22.47
    SELECT CASE WHEN EmpCode = 'USA' THEN TotAmount / @Employees

    Else 0 END
    from EMP

  • mcfarlandparkway - Wednesday, May 3, 2017 10:02 AM

    I have a case where the total amount is divided by number of employees.( EMployees belongs to US and Non US countries)

    Eg - total amount - 116 when I divide by 6 employees = it will get 19.33
    but when 19.33 is multiplied with 6 it will return 115.98 ( 2 cents are missed here)

    So how to rounding to whole cents since we are taking total amount in US dollars / # of employees; By default these extra 2 cents should go to first US employee.
    Another Example -
    112.19 / 5 = 22.438.  
    Round to two decimal places - we can round down and make it 22.43 in which case 4 of them get $22.43 and ideally the first US person $22.47
    SELECT CASE WHEN EmpCode = 'USA' THEN TotAmount / @Employees

    Else 0 END
    from EMP

    That is, indeed, a rounding issue.
    Now, how about providing sample data, DDL and expected results? Also, take care to define exactly what 'first US employee' means. First in age, speed, height, weight, class?

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • table -1 - Expenses

    ID     total Amount (decimal(26,9),null)       EmpID

    123            112.19                           84746788

    table - 2 - EmployeeExpenses

    ID             EMpID               TotalEmployees

    123           84746788             22.47
    123           89246532             22.43
    123           88456788             22.43
    123           89346788             22.43
    123           87536788             22.43

    First US person is the one who entered expense first.

  • mcfarlandparkway - Wednesday, May 3, 2017 10:29 AM

    First US person is the one who entered expense first.

    How do you know who entered the expense first from your example data? Is it the one that has their EmpID next to the the value in Table1, or the one that is at the top of the table (which also happens to be the one in table1).


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Hazarding a guess here (sorry for formatting, SSC still hates my paste and I can't be bothered to fix it). I'll admit,this does it in two passes, not great, but others feel free to improve:
    USE TestDB;

    CREATE TABLE Expense
      (ID int,
      Expense decimal(26,9), --Does this need to be to 9 decimal places? Will you really be paying someone .00000001 of a dollar?
      EmpID int);

    CREATE TABLE EmployeeExpense
      (ID int,
      EmpID int,
      Expense decimal(12,2)); --More reasonable value for a monatary figure

    INSERT INTO Expense
      (123, 112.19, 84746788);

    INSERT INTO EmployeeExpense

    UPDATE EmployeeExpense
    SET Expense = (SELECT (FLOOR((E.Expense / COUNT(EE.ID)) * 100)) / 100
         FROM Expense E
           JOIN EmployeeExpense EE ON E.ID = EE.ID
         WHERE E.ID = EmployeeExpense.ID
         GROUP BY E.ID, E.Expense)
    WHERE EmployeeExpense.ID = 123;

    --As it currently stands
    SELECT *
    FROM EmployeeExpense;

    Set Expense = EE.Expense + (SELECT sqE.Expense - SUM(sqEE.Expense)
              FROM Expense sqE
               JOIN EmployeeExpense sqEE ON sqE.ID = sqEE.ID
              WHERE sqE.ID = E.ID
              GROUP BY sqE.ID, sqE.Expense)
    FROM EmployeeExpense EE
      JOIN Expense E ON EE.ID = E.ID AND EE.EmpID = E.EmpID
    WHERE E.ID = 123;
    --Final product
    SELECT *
    FROM EmployeeExpense;


    DROP TABLE Expense;
    DROP TABLE EmployeeExpense;

    Edit: With one parse. Again, I still have no idea if this is right, as Phil rightfully points out below, we really need more detail.
    DECLARE @ID int = 123;

    WITH EvenSplit AS (
      SELECT EE.ID, EE.EmpID, E.EmpID AS FirstEmpID, E.Expense,
        CAST((FLOOR((E.Expense / COUNT(EE.ID) OVER (PARTITION BY E.ID)) * 100)) / 100 AS decimal(12,2)) AS EmployeeExpense
      FROM Expense E
       JOIN EmployeeExpense EE ON E.ID = EE.ID
      WHERE E.ID = @ID)
    , WithRemainder AS (
        CASE WHEN ES.EmpID != ES.FirstEmpID THEN ES.EmployeeExpense
          ELSE ES.EmployeeExpense + (ES.Expense - SUM(ES.EmployeeExpense) OVER (PARTITION BY ES.ID)) END AS EmployeeExpense
      FROM EvenSplit ES
    UPDATE EmployeeExpense
    SET Expense = WR.EmployeeExpense
    FROM WithRemainder WR
    WHERE EmployeeExpense.ID = WR.ID
    AND EmployeeExpense.EmpID = WR.EmpID;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • mcfarlandparkway - Wednesday, May 3, 2017 10:29 AM

    table -1 - Expenses

    ID     total Amount (decimal(26,9),null)       EmpID

    123            112.19                           84746788

    table - 2 - EmployeeExpenses

    ID             EMpID               TotalEmployees

    123           84746788             22.47
    123           89246532             22.43
    123           88456788             22.43
    123           89346788             22.43
    123           87536788             22.43

    First US person is the one who entered expense first.

    No DDL = no answer from me. Why should others do your work for you? There is no time in your data, therefore what crystal ball do you need to invoke in order to determine who did anything first? You've been here long enough to know better than provide such low-quality information.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

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