April 25, 2017 at 5:26 am
Hi All,
I have a backup db and running
gives me the logical and physical paths of the ndf files, however on restore through SSMS it does not want to restore to the exact physical paths in the backup but create brand new the physical names for the ndf with the concat of db name and a sequential number suffix i.e d:\edw_01.ndf, d:\edw_02.ndf, d:\edw_03.ndf
I know I can write a restore script with the move command to do it, but there are loads of ndf files. Any solutions apart from writing the script
April 25, 2017 at 8:00 am
I've read about similar issues when using the GUI to restore a database with secondary file. Not sure how it can be easily addressed in the GUI but even if there are a lot of files, it seems that you could pretty easily write a script by just copying the output from restore filelistonly. You can also copy the output into excel and make changes there which can be done fairly quickly for the same changes to a large set of data - just drag a quote or comma down the column to autofill...that type of thing. It may be more doable than you think.
April 25, 2017 at 8:36 am
Hi Sue,
Thanks for your help..gone for the jugular and writing a script to do it...will post it when done
April 25, 2017 at 9:40 am
HI Sue,
Found the solution...just use direct sql in the query manager instead
RESTORE DATABASE [edw] FROM DISK = 'C:\RobinWork\Backups\dbBackup_Source\.EDW.bak' WITH REPLACE, STATS = 20
this will do restore to the actual NDF physical filenames within the bak file .However in SSMS it just wants to use the concat of the dbname with a numeric sequential suffix instead...must be a bug. See image below you can clearly see the ndf names it generates
April 25, 2017 at 10:38 am
April 26, 2017 at 3:36 am
Hi Sue,
FYI here is my script quick and dirty ..put it in your toolbox..didn't need it, but did the work anyway
-- Restore file list from from bak file to different paths
-- table to hold file list
LogicalName NVARCHAR(128)
, PhysicalName NVARCHAR(260)
, Type CHAR(1)
, FileGroupName NVARCHAR(128)
, Size NUMERIC(20, 0)
, MaxSize NUMERIC(20, 0)
, Fileid TINYINT
, CreateLSN NUMERIC(25, 0)
, DropLSN NUMERIC(25, 0)
, ReadOnlyLSN NUMERIC(25, 0)
, ReadWriteLSN NUMERIC(25, 0)
, BackupSizeInBytes BIGINT
, SourceBlockSize INT
, FileGroupId INT
, DifferentialBaseLSN NUMERIC(25, 0)
, IsReadOnly BIT
, IsPresent BIT
DECLARE @debug int = 0
DECLARE @restoreFromFileList varchar(8000)
DECLARE @quote varchar(10) = ''''
DECLARE @bakFilePath varchar(4000) = 'C:\RobinWork\Backups\dbBackup\EDW.bak'
set @restoreFromFileList = 'RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = '+ @quote + @bakFilePath + + @quote
IF @debug =1
print @restoreFromFileList
-- insert into temp table
INSERT INTO @tmpFileList EXEC (@restoreFromFileList)
IF @debug =1
select * from @tmpFileList
DECLARE @dbName varchar(255) = 'mydb'
DECLARE @restoredb varchar(8000)
DECLARE @mdfLogicalName varchar(255)
DECLARE @mdfPhysicalname varchar(255) = 'C:\temp\' + @dbName + '.mdf'
DECLARE @ldfLogicalName varchar(255)
DECLARE @ldfPhysicalname varchar(255) = 'C:\temp\' + @dbName + '_log.ldf'
SELECT @mdfLogicalName = logicalname
FROM @tmpFileList
WHERE physicalname LIKE '%.mdf'
SELECT @ldfLogicalName = logicalname
FROM @tmpFileList
WHERE physicalname LIKE '%.ldf'
if @debug =1
print @mdfLogicalName
print @mdfPhysicalname
print @ldfLogicalName
print @ldfPhysicalname
SET @restoredb = ''
SET @restoredb = @restoredb + ' RESTORE DATABASE ['+ @dbName + ']'
SET @restoredb = @restoredb + ' FROM DISK = '+ @quote + @bakFilePath + @quote
SET @restoredb = @restoredb + ' WITH MOVE '+ @quote + @mdfLogicalName + @quote + ' TO '+ @quote + @mdfPhysicalname + @quote + ','
SET @restoredb = @restoredb + ' MOVE '+ @quote + @ldfLogicalName + @quote + ' TO '+ @quote + @ldfPhysicalname + @quote + ','
if @debug=1
print @restoredb
-- table to hold ndf files
LogicalName varchar(255)
, Physicalname varchar(255)
, rowid int identity
INSERT @tmpNDFFiles(LogicalName,Physicalname)
SELECT LogicalName , PhysicalName
FROM @tmpFileList
WHERE physicalname LIKE '%.ndf'
if @debug=1
select * from @tmpNDFFiles
DECLARE @restoreNDF varchar(8000) = ''
DECLARE @counter int
DECLARE @ndfLogicalName varchar(255)
DECLARE @ndfPhysicalPath varchar(255) = 'c:\temp'
SET @counter = 0
WHILE @counter < (SELECT COUNT(*) from @tmpNDFFiles)
SET @counter = @counter + 1
SELECT @ndfLogicalName = logicalname
FROM @tmpNDFFiles
WHERE rowid = @counter
SET @restoreNDF = @restoreNDF + ' MOVE '+ @quote + @ndfLogicalName + @quote + ' TO '+ @quote + @ndfPhysicalPath + '\' + @ndfLogicalName + '.ndf' + @quote + ',' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)
-- Add the tail
SET @restoreNDF = @restoreNDF + ' REPLACE, STATS = 20 '
if @debug= 1
print @restoreNDF
DECLARE @totalRestore varchar(max) = @restoredb + @restoreNDF
print @totalRestore
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