UNION returns null values

  • I have a Query which works fine but when I convert that query into a dynamic query, I get NULL values after the union. Please help me find the issue and fix it. I need to pass multiple inputs for one input parameter so I changed the query to Dynamic. Dynamic query with issue:

    ALTER PROCEDURE OverallItemReport_Select   
        @StoreNumber varchar(1500),@CYr_FromDate date,@CYr_ToDate date,@LYR_FromDate date,@LYR_ToDate date
        declare @sql as nvarchar(4000)
        set @sql='select ItemNumber, Variation
    ,Max(Case when flg=''ly'' then x.Qty else null end) Qty_ly
    ,Max(Case when flg=''cy'' then x.Qty else null end) Qty_cy
    ,Max(Case when flg=''ly'' then x.SellingPrice else null end) SellingPrice_ly
    ,Max(Case when flg=''cy'' then x.SellingPrice else null end) SellingPrice_cy
    ,z.y as Cy_Shrink
    ,r.y as ly_Shrink
    (select ItemNumber, Variation,sum(Qty)as Qty,SellingPrice,flg from
    ((select PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date,' + @StoreNumber + ' as Qty, PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice,''cy'' flg
       from PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T, PJ_Item_M where PJ_Item_M.ItemNumber = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber
       and PJ_Item_M.Variation = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation and Distbn_Date >= '''+Cast(@CYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+''' and
       Distbn_Date <= '''+Cast(@CYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+''' group by PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation,
       Distbn_Date, PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice)
       (select ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Sum(Qty) TQty,
       Price,''cy'' flg from PJ_Special_Order_T where SplOrd_Date >= '''+Cast(@CYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+''' and SplOrd_Date <= '''+Cast(@CYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+''' group by
       ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Price))t where Qty IS NOT NULL group by t.ItemNumber,t.Variation,t.SellingPrice,flg
       select ItemNumber, Variation,sum(Qty)Qty,SellingPrice,flg from

       ((select PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber,
       PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date, ' + @StoreNumber + ' as Qty , PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice,''ly'' flg
       from PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T, PJ_Item_M where
       PJ_Item_M.ItemNumber = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber and
       PJ_Item_M.Variation = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation and Distbn_Date >= '''+Cast(@LYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+'''
       and Distbn_Date <= '''+Cast(@LYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+''' group by PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber,
       PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date, PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice)
       (select ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Sum(Qty) TQty, Price,''ly'' flg
       from PJ_Special_Order_T where SplOrd_Date >= '''+Cast(@LYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+''' and SplOrd_Date <= '''+Cast(@LYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
       group by ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Price))d where Qty IS NOT NULL
       group by d.ItemNumber,d.Variation,d.SellingPrice,flg)x,(select QtyPerCase from PJ_Item_M,
       PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T where PJ_Item_M.ItemNumber=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber and
       PJ_Item_M.Variation=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation)y,(select (sum(Qty * CAST(Price as decimal(10,2))))
       as y from PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T,PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T where PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.ItemNumber=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber and
       PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.Variation=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation and Shrink_Date >= '''+Cast(@CYr_FromDate as varchar(15))+''' and
       Shrink_Date <= '''+Cast(@CYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+''')as z,(select (sum(Qty * CAST(Price as decimal(10,2)))) as
        y from PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T,PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T where PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.ItemNumber=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber and
       PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.Variation=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation and Shrink_Date >= '''+Cast(@LYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+''' and
        Shrink_Date <= '''+Cast(@LYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+''')as r group by ItemNumber, Variation,z.y,r.y'
    print @sql



  • Why did you change the query to dynamic? There's a potentially very good reason...

    Here's the query formatted for readability. I'm not prepared to go any further with this, without first correcting some of the many faults with it.
    select ItemNumber, Variation
     ,Max(Case when flg=''ly'' then x.Qty else null end) Qty_ly
     ,Max(Case when flg=''cy'' then x.Qty else null end) Qty_cy
     ,Max(Case when flg=''ly'' then x.SellingPrice else null end) SellingPrice_ly
     ,Max(Case when flg=''cy'' then x.SellingPrice else null end) SellingPrice_cy
     ,z.y as Cy_Shrink
     ,r.y as ly_Shrink
    from ( -- x
     select ItemNumber, Variation,sum(Qty)as Qty,SellingPrice,flg
     from ( -- t
       select PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date,' + @StoreNumber + ' as Qty, PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice,''cy'' flg
       from PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T, PJ_Item_M
       where PJ_Item_M.ItemNumber = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber
        and PJ_Item_M.Variation = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation
        and Distbn_Date >= '''+Cast(@CYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+'''
        and Distbn_Date <= '''+Cast(@CYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
       group by PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date, PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice
       select ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Sum(Qty) TQty, Price,''cy'' flg 
       from PJ_Special_Order_T
       where SplOrd_Date >= '''+Cast(@CYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+'''
        and SplOrd_Date <= '''+Cast(@CYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
       group by ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Price
     ) t where Qty IS NOT NULL
     group by t.ItemNumber,t.Variation,t.SellingPrice,flg
        select ItemNumber, Variation, sum(Qty) Qty,SellingPrice, flg
     from ( -- d
       select PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date, ' + @StoreNumber + ' as Qty , PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice,''ly'' flg
       from PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T, PJ_Item_M
       where PJ_Item_M.ItemNumber = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber
        and PJ_Item_M.Variation = PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation
        and Distbn_Date >= '''+Cast(@LYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+'''
        and Distbn_Date <= '''+Cast(@LYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
       group by PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation, Distbn_Date, PJ_Item_M.SellingPrice
       select ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Sum(Qty) TQty, Price,''ly'' flg
       from PJ_Special_Order_T
       where SplOrd_Date >= '''+Cast(@LYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+''' and SplOrd_Date <= '''+Cast(@LYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
       group by ItemNumber, Variation, SplOrd_Date, Price
     ) d where Qty IS NOT NULL
     group by d.ItemNumber,d.Variation,d.SellingPrice,flg

    ) x,
     select QtyPerCase
     from PJ_Item_M, PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T
     where PJ_Item_M.ItemNumber=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber
      and PJ_Item_M.Variation=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation
    ) y,
     select (sum(Qty * CAST(Price as decimal(10,2)))) as y
     from PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T,PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T
     where PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.ItemNumber=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber
      and PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.Variation=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation
      and Shrink_Date >= '''+Cast(@CYr_FromDate as varchar(15))+'''
      and Shrink_Date <= '''+Cast(@CYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
    ) as z,
     select  (sum(Qty * CAST(Price as decimal(10,2)))) as y
     from PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T,PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T
     where PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.ItemNumber=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.ItemNumber
      and PJ_Shrink_Inventory_T.Variation=PJ_Matrix_RowDstbn_T.Variation
      and Shrink_Date >= '''+Cast(@LYR_FromDate as varchar(15))+'''
      and Shrink_Date <= '''+Cast(@LYR_ToDate as varchar(15))+'''
    )as r
    group by ItemNumber, Variation,z.y,r.y

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • The @StoreNumber actually is a set of column names in a table. To test the query, I need to pass:

    exec OverallItemReport_Select 'sum(cast([1062] as int)) + sum(cast([1070] as int))
      + sum(cast([1093] as int)) + sum(cast([1166] as int)) + sum(cast([1174] as int)) +
       sum(cast([1176] as int)) + sum(cast([1177] as int)) + sum(cast([1195] as int)) +
       sum(cast([206] as int)) + sum(cast([221] as int)) + sum(cast([226] as int)) +
       sum(cast([230] as int)) + sum(cast([231] as int)) + sum(cast([237] as int)) +
       sum(cast([240] as int)) + sum(cast([241] as int)) + sum(cast([243] as int)) +
       sum(cast([244] as int)) + sum(cast([301] as int)) + sum(cast([302] as int)) +
       sum(cast([303] as int)) + sum(cast([304] as int)) + sum(cast([305] as int)) +
       sum(cast([306] as int)) + sum(cast([307] as int)) + sum(cast([308] as int)) +
       sum(cast([310] as int)) + sum(cast([312] as int)) + sum(cast([313] as int)) +
       sum(cast([314] as int)) + sum(cast([315] as int)) + sum(cast([316] as int)) +
       sum(cast([318] as int)) + sum(cast([319] as int)) + sum(cast([320] as int)) +
       sum(cast([321] as int)) + sum(cast([322] as int)) + sum(cast([323] as int)) +
       sum(cast([324] as int)) + sum(cast([326] as int)) + sum(cast([333] as int)) +
       sum(cast([780] as int)) + sum(cast([785] as int))','2006-06-06','2006-06-16','2005-05-06','2005-05-16'

    This is why I am using Dynamic query. All those numbers are column names which need to be summed up to get the Quantity. I need to test your modified query for the same

  • acmedeepak - Friday, May 19, 2017 6:45 AM

    The @StoreNumber actually is a set of column names in a table. To test the query, I need to pass:

    exec OverallItemReport_Select 'sum(cast([1062] as int)) + sum(cast([1070] as int))
      + sum(cast([1093] as int)) + sum(cast([1166] as int)) + sum(cast([1174] as int)) +
       sum(cast([1176] as int)) + sum(cast([1177] as int)) + sum(cast([1195] as int)) +
       sum(cast([206] as int)) + sum(cast([221] as int)) + sum(cast([226] as int)) +
       sum(cast([230] as int)) + sum(cast([231] as int)) + sum(cast([237] as int)) +
       sum(cast([240] as int)) + sum(cast([241] as int)) + sum(cast([243] as int)) +
       sum(cast([244] as int)) + sum(cast([301] as int)) + sum(cast([302] as int)) +
       sum(cast([303] as int)) + sum(cast([304] as int)) + sum(cast([305] as int)) +
       sum(cast([306] as int)) + sum(cast([307] as int)) + sum(cast([308] as int)) +
       sum(cast([310] as int)) + sum(cast([312] as int)) + sum(cast([313] as int)) +
       sum(cast([314] as int)) + sum(cast([315] as int)) + sum(cast([316] as int)) +
       sum(cast([318] as int)) + sum(cast([319] as int)) + sum(cast([320] as int)) +
       sum(cast([321] as int)) + sum(cast([322] as int)) + sum(cast([323] as int)) +
       sum(cast([324] as int)) + sum(cast([326] as int)) + sum(cast([333] as int)) +
       sum(cast([780] as int)) + sum(cast([785] as int))','2006-06-06','2006-06-16','2005-05-06','2005-05-16'

    This is why I am using Dynamic query. All those numbers are column names which need to be summed up to get the Quantity. I need to test your modified query for the same

    Does this mean each store has its own column(s) in the table?  Based on the cast to an int, is it safe to assume you're also storing your sales data as characters?

    If this is true, you have a long, hard road ahead of you.  I'd highly recommend you push for a refactoring asap.  You will burn a ton of hours trying to maintain this and the other problems it causes.

    (A solid design is always preferable to a creative workaround)

  • acmedeepak - Friday, May 19, 2017 6:45 AM

    The @StoreNumber actually is a set of column names in a table. To test the query, I need to pass:

    exec OverallItemReport_Select 'sum(cast([1062] as int)) + sum(cast([1070] as int))
      + sum(cast([1093] as int)) + sum(cast([1166] as int)) + sum(cast([1174] as int)) +
       sum(cast([1176] as int)) + sum(cast([1177] as int)) + sum(cast([1195] as int)) +
       sum(cast([206] as int)) + sum(cast([221] as int)) + sum(cast([226] as int)) +
       sum(cast([230] as int)) + sum(cast([231] as int)) + sum(cast([237] as int)) +
       sum(cast([240] as int)) + sum(cast([241] as int)) + sum(cast([243] as int)) +
       sum(cast([244] as int)) + sum(cast([301] as int)) + sum(cast([302] as int)) +
       sum(cast([303] as int)) + sum(cast([304] as int)) + sum(cast([305] as int)) +
       sum(cast([306] as int)) + sum(cast([307] as int)) + sum(cast([308] as int)) +
       sum(cast([310] as int)) + sum(cast([312] as int)) + sum(cast([313] as int)) +
       sum(cast([314] as int)) + sum(cast([315] as int)) + sum(cast([316] as int)) +
       sum(cast([318] as int)) + sum(cast([319] as int)) + sum(cast([320] as int)) +
       sum(cast([321] as int)) + sum(cast([322] as int)) + sum(cast([323] as int)) +
       sum(cast([324] as int)) + sum(cast([326] as int)) + sum(cast([333] as int)) +
       sum(cast([780] as int)) + sum(cast([785] as int))','2006-06-06','2006-06-16','2005-05-06','2005-05-16'

    This is why I am using Dynamic query. All those numbers are column names which need to be summed up to get the Quantity. I need to test your modified query for the same

    This table which has store numbers as column names - is this a permanent table or is it something which has been generated as part of the reporting process?
    Either way, as Wes points out, you are welcoming a whole world of pain. Get it normalised. If it's not down to you, then ask someone who has the authority, what they're planning to do when the number of stores reaches a SQL server limit, either row size or column count. Boom!

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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