MDX Query help with last period

  • I have data from 1960 to present date in the dimension .

    When i use the following stattement it shows me only last 58 data .

    {SELECT  {LASTPERIODS(58, [SDDS_Time_Dim].LASTCHILD)} ON AXIS(0)  , {Descendants([SDDS_Country_Vw].[List],,LEAVES)} DIMENSION PROPERTIES  MEMBER_CAPTION, [SDDS_Country_Vw].[List].[Code] ON AXIS(2) , {ORDER(Descendants([SDDS_Series].[List],,LEAVES),[SDDS_Series].[List].Currentmember.Name, basc)} DIMENSION PROPERTIES  MEMBER_CAPTION, [SDDS_Series].[List].[Code] ON AXIS(1)  FROM [SDDS] }

    I need to show data from 1960 to present and not last 58 . 

    Please let me know how do I rewrite  this without effecting performance .

  • Please don't post the same question in multiple forums.  It splinters the replies and makes helping you harder.  I've responded to your SQL 2016 question.


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