Round Natural Numbers to the nearest Power of 10

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Round Natural Numbers to the nearest Power of 10

  • Why do you not use the build in ROUND function?
    It takes three parameters:
    - the value
    - the rounding length (use negative numbers to round to a power of 10, example for 12345: -1 ->  = 12350, -2  -> 12300, -3 = 12000
    - optional 0 or 1, while the default 0 rounds, while 1 will cut the numbers off; ROUND(12345, -1, 0) = 12350 while ROUND(12345, -1, 1) = 12340

    The only benefit of your function is the easier usage of the direction (up or down), but this could be solved by cutting off the decimals (= rounding down) and adding 10 (or 100 or 1000...) when you want to round up: ROUND(12345, -1, 1) + 10

    PS: Bonus points for using an INLINE TABLE VALUE function instead of a scalar function

    God is real, unless declared integer.

  • Your function has a problem when it's used against negative numbers. I wrote an article some time ago about this options which simulate CEILING and FLOOR. You can read it in here:
    Here's a corrected version for your function

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_RoundNearest
    @Number bigint, /*Natural Number*/
    @RoundNearest float, /*Power of 10, 10^n , 10,100,1000...*/
    @Direction int /* 0-> Down , 1 -> Up */
    SELECT CASE WHEN @Direction = 0
        THEN ROUND(@Number-(.49*@RoundNearest),-LOG10(@RoundNearest))
        ELSE ROUND(@Number+(.49*@RoundNearest),-LOG10(@RoundNearest))
        END Number

    Luis C.
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  • Luis Cazares - Tuesday, May 16, 2017 6:27 AM

    Your function has a problem when it's used against negative numbers. I wrote an article some time ago about this options which simulate CEILING and FLOOR. You can read it in here:
    Here's a corrected version for your function

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.udf_RoundNearest
    @Number bigint, /*Natural Number*/
    @RoundNearest float, /*Power of 10, 10^n , 10,100,1000...*/
    @Direction int /* 0-> Down , 1 -> Up */
    SELECT CASE WHEN @Direction = 0
        THEN ROUND(@Number-(.49*@RoundNearest),-LOG10(@RoundNearest))
        ELSE ROUND(@Number+(.49*@RoundNearest),-LOG10(@RoundNearest))
        END Number

    Thank you for your input!

  • t.franz - Tuesday, May 16, 2017 2:56 AM

    Why do you not use the build in ROUND function?
    It takes three parameters:
    - the value
    - the rounding length (use negative numbers to round to a power of 10, example for 12345: -1 ->  = 12350, -2  -> 12300, -3 = 12000
    - optional 0 or 1, while the default 0 rounds, while 1 will cut the numbers off; ROUND(12345, -1, 0) = 12350 while ROUND(12345, -1, 1) = 12340

    The only benefit of your function is the easier usage of the direction (up or down), but this could be solved by cutting off the decimals (= rounding down) and adding 10 (or 100 or 1000...) when you want to round up: ROUND(12345, -1, 1) + 10

    PS: Bonus points for using an INLINE TABLE VALUE function instead of a scalar function


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