SSIS Question - In the EXECUTE SQL TASK how can we make the connection dynamic to be assigned at run time.

  • I thought I could add a paremeter and set this value:

    MHPDEV;Initial Catalog=P4P;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;

    Then you can set an expression so that the CONNECTION property will take the value in the PARAMETER. I did that but it did not work

  • Are you trying to set the Connection property of the Execute SQL Task or the ConnectionString property of the Connection Manager?

    What I believe you want to do is set the ConnectionString property of the ConnectionManager (this is what you actually use in the Execute SQL Task Connection).

    If you want to change the Connection for the Execute SQL Task you would need to have multiple connection managers and then assign the correct one using an Expression to set the Execute SQL Task Connection Property.

  • Ahhh good point!


    Are you trying to set the Connection property of the Execute SQL Task or the ConnectionString property of the Connection Manager?

    What I believe you want to do is set the ConnectionString property of the ConnectionManager (this is what you actually use in the Execute SQL Task Connection).


    So how would you do that ?

    Have several parameters and assign the connection string(s) to them.

    Then change the connection string by using an expression ? Right!

  • Without knowing all the requirements and what exactly you need to do it is hard to say how I would do it. Typically when I write an SSIS package at execution time the connections are set for the length of the execution and I use configuration (pre-2012) or environments to set the connection strings. Your questions seems to indicate that you have a SQL Statement that you want to run against multiple databases in a single package execution, which is not something I have done. My first instinct says to have a single variable for the connection string and change the value of the variable in loop. My package would look something like this:


      ConfigurationConnectionString - set using a configuration or environment and used to get the execution connection string information


      ExecutionConnectionString - set in the package and the Connection String(s) the execute sql task will use

      ExecutionConnectionStringList - an object variable to hold the list of connection strings


      ConfigurationConnection - used to get configuration and connections string information

      ExecutionConnection - used for the main execute sql task and set in a loop


      Execute SQL Task - Get Connection Strings which reads the table of connection strings and populates the ExecutionConnectionStringList variable

      For Each Loop - Loop of over the ExecutionConnectionStringList populating the ExecutionConnectionString variable

      Execute SQL Task - Execute the Main SQL


      I think this would work, but I haven't done dynamic connection strings this way before, so be sure to test it thoroughly. You'd also want to add some error handling and logging. What do you do if the main EST fails for one connection string? Does the package fail? Do you log the failure and error message and continue?

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