Calculating sales by stock during sales periods

  • Hi everyone

    I have a very basic knowledge of SQL so apologies if what I am asking is simple to do!

    I need to calculate the sales generated for different stock codes during the time periods that they were put on sale.  

    In one table, the StockandPrice Table I have the Stockcode, date (daily sales data) and number of units sold by day.  In a second table, the SalesPeriodTable I have Stockcode, Sales_Startdate and Sales_Enddate for each stock code.  In this table there can be multiple periods where an item can go on sale and then return to normal prices and after a while be placed on sale again.  I also have items that have recently gone on sale for which the sales_enddate has not been set so the field shows NULL.

    So for each stock code I need to calculate the sales generated by day within the periods that they were placed on sale.

    I tried the following:
    Select * from StockandPrice y
    inner join (select * from SalesPeriodTable) x on x.stockcode = y.stockcode and x.Sales_Startdate >= and x.Sales_Enddate <

    Which returned nothing!

    Two issues are - multiple sales start and end dates for the same stockcode and null values in Sales_enddate.

    I have attached an excel spreadsheet showing the two tables and the expected results.

    Your assistance will be highly appreciated!!

  • maybe ?

    SELECT sp.Stockcode,
         sp.Price*sp.UnitSold as SalesAmount
    FROM stockandprice AS sp
      INNER JOIN salestable AS s ON sp.Stockcode = s.Stockcode
        AND sp.Date >= s.Sales_StartDate
        AND sp.Date <= ISNULL(s.Sales_EndDate,'01/01/2050')  --- enter some future date that meets your need

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Thank you!  I will try this as soon as I can and revert.

    Appreciate the help!

  • Results as I wanted them!  Thank you very much!

  • It's a bad idea to use a NULL value to represent an unknown future date, because it forces you to use either a function (ISNULL or COALESCE) or an OR in your WHERE clause, both of which can severely affect performance of your query.  You should use a far future date to represent unknown future dates.  Typical values are 9999-12-30, 9999-01-01, or 9000-01-01.  The common practice of using -1 (1899-12-31) to represent an unknown FUTURE date is almost as bad as using a NULL value.

    You may not be able to change your process at this point, so this may be moot.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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