
  • this is  my query
    select Students.student_rollno, marks, Subjects.subject_name ,Subjects.subject_id, Gradetype.Grade_id, TheoryPractical .ThPr_name, EndtermProgressive. ETPA_name
    from Students_Subjects_junction
    join Subjects on Students_Subjects_junction.subject_id = Subjects.subject_id
    join Students on Students_Subjects_junction.student_pk =students.student_pk
    join Gradetype on Students_Subjects_junction .grade_id = Gradetype.grade_id
    join TheoryPractical on TheoryPractical.ThPr_id= Gradetype.ThPr_id
    join EndtermProgressive on EndtermProgressive.ETPA_id= Gradetype.ETPA_id
    where Students.semester_id = 7 and Students.department_id =14 and Students_Subjects_junction.year =2017

    Now i want to add two more columns to the result: Maximum_Marks and Pass_Marks. These values are from the table Subjects_Gradetype_juncion

     i tried some subqueries but am unable to get the solution. Please help. thanks.

  • I might be missing something here, screenshots are not a good way to portray your data, but why not add an extra join, to your Subjects_Gradetype_junction table, and return the values in your result set?


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • k i did not explain myself properly.
    What  I am actually trying to do is this. The query above will  give me the subect_id and grade_id for each row in the result of the query.  And using these two values i want to get the Maximum_marks and Pass_marks from the Subjects_Gradetype_junction. 
    And finally  i want to add/append these two values to the result of the query. So the final result of the query must contain all these values:
    student_rollno, marks, Subjects.subject_name ,Subjects.subject_id, Gradetype.Grade_id, TheoryPractical .ThPr_name, EndtermProgressive. ETPA_name, Maximum_marks, Pass_marks

    (i thought snapshots will actually make myself clearer)

  • Thom A - Monday, April 3, 2017 3:54 AM

    I might be missing something here, screenshots are not a good way to portray your data, but why not add an extra join, to your Subjects_Gradetype_junction table, and return the values in your result set?

    I can get the Maximum_marks and Pass_marks like this:
    select Subject_id, Maximum_marks,Pass_marks from Subjects_Gradetype_junction
    where exists(
    select Students.student_rollno, marks, Subjects.subject_name ,Subjects.subject_id, Gradetype.Grade_id, TheoryPractical .ThPr_name, EndtermProgressive. ETPA_name
    from Students_Subjects_junction
    join Subjects on Students_Subjects_junction.subject_id = Subjects.subject_id
    join Students on Students_Subjects_junction.student_pk =students.student_pk
    join Gradetype on Students_Subjects_junction .grade_id = Gradetype.grade_id
    join TheoryPractical on TheoryPractical.ThPr_id= Gradetype.ThPr_id
    join EndtermProgressive on EndtermProgressive.ETPA_id= Gradetype.ETPA_id
    where Students.semester_id = 7 and Students.department_id =14 and Students_Subjects_junction.year =2017)

    but like i said in my second post, i need the other columns as well. Please refer my second post.

  • I still don't see any difference to your request to your original request. Does this not achieve what you want?
    SELECT S2.student_rollno,
           marks, --Not sure what table this comes from.
           S.subject_name, S.subject_id,
           SGTJ.maximum_marks, SGTJ.pass_marks
    FROM Students_Subjects_junction SSJ
        JOIN Subjects S ON SSJ.subject_id = S.subject_id
        JOIN Students S2 ON SSJ.student_pk = S2.student_pk
        JOIN Gradetype GT ON SSJ.grade_id = GT.grade_id
        JOIN TheoryPractical TP ON TP.ThPr_id = GT.ThPr_id
        JOIN EndtermProgressive EP ON EP.ETPA_id = GT.ETPA_id
        JOIN Subjects_Gradetype_junction SGTJ ON S.subject_id = SGTJ.subject_id AND GT.Grade_id = SGTJ.Grade_id
    WHERE S2.semester_id = 7 AND S2.department_id = 14 AND SSJ.[year] =2017;


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thom A - Monday, April 3, 2017 7:30 AM

    I still don't see any different here between your original request. Does this not achieve what you want?
    SELECT S2.student_rollno,
           marks, --Not sure what table this comes from.
           S.subject_name, S.subject_id,
           SGTJ.maximum_marks, SGTJ.pass_marks
    FROM Students_Subjects_junction SSJ
        JOIN Subjects S ON SSJ.subject_id = S.subject_id
        JOIN Students S2 ON SSJ.student_pk = S2.student_pk
        JOIN Gradetype GT ON SSJ.grade_id = GT.grade_id
        JOIN TheoryPractical TP ON TP.ThPr_id = GT.ThPr_id
        JOIN EndtermProgressive EP ON EP.ETPA_id = GT.ETPA_id
        JOIN Subjects_Gradetype_junction SGTJ ON S.subject_id = SGTJ.subject_id AND GT.Grade_id = SGTJ.Grade_id
    WHERE S2.semester_id = 7 AND S2.department_id = 14 AND SSJ.[year] =2017;

    thank you so much. I was so easy . i guess i just dont know how joins work in the first place. little disappointed in myself.

  • hlsc1983 - Sunday, April 2, 2017 4:14 AM

    this is  my query
    select Students.student_rollno, marks, Subjects.subject_name ,Subjects.subject_id, Gradetype.Grade_id, TheoryPractical .ThPr_name, EndtermProgressive. ETPA_name
    from Students_Subjects_junction
    join Subjects on Students_Subjects_junction.subject_id = Subjects.subject_id
    join Students on Students_Subjects_junction.student_pk =students.student_pk
    join Gradetype on Students_Subjects_junction .grade_id = Gradetype.grade_id
    join TheoryPractical on TheoryPractical.ThPr_id= Gradetype.ThPr_id
    join EndtermProgressive on EndtermProgressive.ETPA_id= Gradetype.ETPA_id
    where Students.semester_id = 7 and Students.department_id =14 and Students_Subjects_junction.year =2017

    Now i want to add two more columns to the result: Maximum_Marks and Pass_Marks. These values are from the table Subjects_Gradetype_juncion

     i tried some subqueries but am unable to get the solution. Please help. thanks.

    Please post DDL and follow ANSI/ISO standards when asking for help. 

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