running SP from dotnet code takes much longer than running it in SSMS

  • I have a stored procedure that updates a few 1000 records in a table.

    When I run the SP from within the Studio Manager it takes less than a second to run.

    When I do an EXEC of that same SP with same parameters from within my dotnet code, it takes about 4 seconds.

    What can cause this difference?

    If required I post my data sample, but it's quite complicated and since no output is being delivered from SP, I suppose it is irrelevant...

  • Run both through SQL Profiler and compare.

    Things to look out for : Differences in connection settings, parameter sniffing, parameter conversion issues. Also maybe you could post your .net code and we can see if there's anything going on there.

  • marc.corbeel (11/21/2016)

    I have a stored procedure that updates a few 1000 records in a table.

    When I run the SP from within the Studio Manager it takes less than a second to run.

    When I do an EXEC of that same SP with same parameters from within my dotnet code, it takes about 4 seconds.

    What can cause this difference?

    If required I post my data sample, but it's quite complicated and since no output is being delivered from SP, I suppose it is irrelevant...

    Any chance this being a case of MSDTC transaction escalation?


  • This is the code that runs the SP.

    parameter glbSQL_connection is the SQL connection

    and SQL is the SP = 'EXEC stp_InventoryItemTypes_UpdatePathNamesOfChildren 1'

    Dim oSQLcommand As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(SQL, glbSQL_connection)



    Catch ex As Exception

    End Try

  • After a while, execution from dotnet worked fast as well.

    I haven't experienced this before...

    Sorry to bother you all, my issue is solved (don't know the reason though)...

  • I doubt this is "solved", it has only gone away for the moment. It will come back again. This has the classic signs of parameter sniffing gone bad.

    Check out Gail's article on the topic which explains the issue and how to solve for good.[/url]


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  • Thanks for this advice...

    Learning every day!

  • DouglasH (11/21/2016)

    Run both through SQL Profiler and compare.

    Things to look out for : Differences in connection settings, parameter sniffing, parameter conversion issues. Also maybe you could post your .net code and we can see if there's anything going on there.

    A frequent problem to look for when comparing these is the setting of arithabort. You can also see this setting in the

    sys.dm_exec_sessions dynamic management view. Management Studio defaults to arithabort = 1 (or ON) and .Net defaults to 0 (or OFF)

    You can change what the connection default is at instance level:

    Microsoft themselves even say don't use arithabort OFF

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