Calculate Vacant Days Per Month

  • Hi,

    I have the below query and trying to calculate how long a vacant property was with repairs per month and how long it was vacant after repair.

    Days with Repair - Date difference between [Accepted by Assets] AND [Referred to Allocations]

    Days vacant after Repair - Date difference between [Accepted by Allocations] AND [Let Date]

    I commented out the line that converts the below query to a monthly view so you get any idea how the result looks on daily basis.


    --cast( cast(year(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-'+cast(month(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-1' as datetime) as plant_date

    Required Out

    The Days with Repair AND Days vacant after Repair should increment from month to month. Prior to the property is [Accepted by Assets], Days with Repair is 0.The count starts once the property is [Accepted by Assets] till the property is [Referred to Allocations]. So in this case the days with repair in Sep is 1 and 0 in October

    Similarly Days vacant after Repair count starts from the day the property [Accepted by Allocations] til the property is let.

    Days vacant after Repair in Sep - 18 days

    Oct - 31 days

    Declare @void TABLE


    [History Ind] int

    , [Prop Code] int

    , [Void Start Date] varchar(10)

    , [Accepted by Assets] varchar(10)

    , [Referred to Allocations] varchar(10)

    , [Accepted by Allocations] varchar(10)

    , [Let Date] varchar(10)


    INSERT INTO @void

    ([History Ind], [Prop Code], [Void Start Date], [Accepted by Assets], [Referred to Allocations], [Accepted by Allocations], [Let Date])


    (1, 3143, '2013-08-07', '2013-08-29', '2013-09-12', '2013-09-13', '2013-11-01')

    ;with tmp(plant_date) as


    select cast('20000101' as datetime)

    union all

    select plant_date + 1

    from tmp

    where plant_date < '20201231'


    select --distinct

    --cast( cast(year(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-'+cast(month(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-1' as datetime) as plant_date


    ,[History Ind]

    ,[Prop Code]

    ,[Void Start Date]

    ,[Accepted by Assets]

    ,[Referred to Allocations]

    ,[Accepted by Allocations]

    ,coalesce([Let Date], cast(getdate() as date)) As [Let Date]

    ,DATEDIFF(day, [Accepted by Assets], [Referred to Allocations]) AS [Days with Repairs]

    ,DATEDIFF(day, isnull([Accepted by Allocations], [Referred to Allocations]), isnull([Let Date], GETDATE())) As [Days Vacant After Repair]

    ,CASE WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(month,plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND plant_date < coalesce([Let Date], cast(getdate() as date))

    THEN 'Void'

    WHEN (plant_date > [Void Start Date] AND plant_date = coalesce([Let Date], cast(getdate() as date)))

    THEN 'Let'

    WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) <> Datepart(month,plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND plant_date < [Let Date]


    WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) <> Datepart(month,plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND [Let Date] IS NUll


    END as 'Void Status'

    from tmp join @void v on plant_date between [Void Start Date] and coalesce([Let Date], cast(getdate() as date))

    option (maxrecursion 0)

  • Why not just use a Calendar table... you can use a table-valued function to generate a list of dates on the fly. Then it's just a pure count.

  • Yes, i'm using a calendar table but how do I write the query to only show me the void status with plant_date as the month end date. Below is my actual query which joins to a calendar table. But I want the plant_date column to show only month end date like 30/04/2016, 31/05/2016

    select distinct

    cast( cast(year(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-'+cast(month(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-1' as datetime) as plant_date

    ,[History Ind]

    ,[Prop Code]

    ,[Void Start Date]

    ,[Let Date]

    ,DATEDIFF(day, [Accepted by Assets], [Referred to Allocations]) AS [Vacant UnTenantable]

    ,DATEDIFF(day, isnull([Accepted by Allocations], [Referred to Allocations]), isnull([Let Date], GETDATE())) As [Vacant Tenantable]

    ,CASE WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(month,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date ) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(YEAR,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date < isnull([Let Date], GETDATE())

    THEN 'Void'

    WHEN HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date > [Void Start Date] AND HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date = [Let Date]

    THEN 'Let'

    WHEN HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date = [Void Start Date] AND HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date = [Let Date]

    THEN 'Let'

    WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) <> Datepart(month,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) <= Datepart(YEAR,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date < [Let Date]


    WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(month,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) <= Datepart(YEAR,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date < [Let Date]


    WHEN Datepart(month,[Void Start Date]) <> Datepart(month,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,[Void Start Date]) = Datepart(YEAR,HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date) AND [Let Date] IS NUll


    END as 'Void Status'

    from HCHDB.dbo.calendar join vw_void_summary v on HCHDB.dbo.calendar.plant_date between [Void Start Date] and isnull([Let Date], GETDATE())

  • This

    cast( cast(year(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-'+cast(month(plant_date) as nvarchar(50))+'-1' as datetime) as plant_date

    is a calculated column in your Calendar table.

    Sounds like you might want to look up Calendar tables. Here's a good article:

  • The below query is kind of working but stops at the Let_Date. In the example below property 3143 is let on 2016-03-14 and in the result set the property does not appear in March. Since the property was let on 2016-03-14, in March the Void Status should show CFWD & Let.

    CFWD = Carry Forward. When a property is not let in the same month it is carried forward to the next month till its let.

    Void = When the property got vacant

    Let = when the property was filled back again.

    Declare @void TABLE

    (History_Ind int

    , Prop_Code int

    , Void_Start_Date datetime

    , Let_Date datetime



    (History_Ind, Prop_Code, Void_Start_Date, Let_Date)


    (1, 3143, '2013-08-07', '2013/11/01'),

    (2, 3143, '2014-07-22', '2014/08/08'),

    (3, 3143, '2014-09-03', '2014/09/02'),

    (4, 3143, '2016-01-19', '2016/03/14'),

    (1, 3657, '2015-04-09', '2015/04/23'),

    (0, 3657, '2016-04-21', NULL)

    ;with dates(plant_date) as


    select cast('2013-02-01' as datetime)-1 as datetime

    union all

    select DATEADD(month, 1, plant_date+1)-1

    from dates

    where plant_date < GETDATE()


    select plant_date





    ,CASE WHEN Datepart(month,Void_Start_Date) = Datepart(month,plant_date ) AND Datepart(YEAR,Void_Start_Date) = Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND plant_date < isnull(Let_Date, GETDATE())

    THEN 'Void'

    WHEN plant_date > Void_Start_Date AND plant_date = Let_Date

    THEN 'Let'

    WHEN plant_date = Void_Start_Date AND plant_date = Let_Date

    THEN 'Let'

    WHEN Datepart(month,Void_Start_Date) <> Datepart(month,plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,Void_Start_Date) <= Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND plant_date < Let_Date


    WHEN Datepart(month,Void_Start_Date) = Datepart(month,plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,Void_Start_Date) <= Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND plant_date < Let_Date


    WHEN Datepart(month,Void_Start_Date) <> Datepart(month,plant_date) AND Datepart(YEAR,Void_Start_Date) = Datepart(YEAR,plant_date) AND Let_Date IS NUll


    END as 'Void Status'

    from dates join @void v on plant_date between Void_Start_Date and isnull([Let_Date], GETDATE())

    where Prop_Code = '3143' AND History_Ind = '4'

    option (maxrecursion 0)

  • could you please provide the results you are expecting from your sample query above...I think it will help clarify what you want.


    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Hi,

    I have attached the required result. Check the Plant_Date and Void Status.



  • normal way to post is like this...

    SELECT '2016-01-31' AS plant_date

    , 4 AS History_Ind

    , 3143 AS Prop_Code

    , '2016-01-19' AS Void_Start_Date

    , '2016-03-14' AS Let_Date

    , 'Void' AS Void_Status


    SELECT '2016-02-29',4,3143,'2016-01-19','2016-03-14','CFWD'


    SELECT '2016-03-31',4,3143,'2016-01-19','2016-03-14','CFWD'


    SELECT '2016-03-31',4,3143,'2016-01-19','2016-03-14','Let';

    So your counting the days between Void_Start and Let?

  • what do you want to see when it has been 'let' for two months and then after two month is vacated (Void)?

    do you still want 'CFWD' or something else

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

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