CustNr between then and custNr between then other 1

  • I have the following expression;

    Cust_nr between 9950001 t/m 9959999 then 2, Cust_nr between 9980001 t/m 9989999 then 3 and others 1

    I like it to do it on a select statement

    select Cust_nr between 9950001 t/m 9959999 then 2, Cust_nr between 9980001 t/m 9989999 then 3 and others 1 as CUST_CODE_Nr

    from cust_nr

    Do somebody how to make a good syntax for this?


  • GG_BI_GG (5/29/2015)

    I have the following expression;

    Cust_nr between 9950001 t/m 9959999 then 2, Cust_nr between 9980001 t/m 9989999 then 3 and others 1

    I like it to do it on a select statement

    select Cust_nr between 9950001 t/m 9959999 then 2, Cust_nr between 9980001 t/m 9989999 then 3 and others 1 as CUST_CODE_Nr

    from cust_nr

    Do somebody how to make a good syntax for this?




    case when Cust_nr between 9950001 and 9959999 then 2

    when Cust_nr between 9980001 and 9989999 then 3

    else 1

    end CustCodeNr



  • TNX 🙂

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