Calculate Percent of Readmission

  • Hello all,

    I need some help from you great minds here. I would like some insight on how to calculate the percent of readmission from a discharge within the typical readmission parameter of 30 days

    I have kind of put together a starting point script-wise, but I need to further develop the script to answer my inquiry.




    DateOfAdmission OrignalAdmission,

    Dischargedate OrignalDischarge,

    DateOfAdmission Readmission,


    datediff(day, Dischargedate, DateOfAdmission )

    from fRd 01

    inner join ftA 02 on

    01.Serial = 02.Serial and

    02.Ind = 'Inpatient'

    inner join ftA 03 on

    01.TrigSerial = 03.Serial and

    03.Ind = 'Inpatient'

    Below is a sample of the underlying data. Please excuse me if I did not use the correct code, and for the headers not being completely aligned.

    Reporting YearReg AreaOrignalAdmissionOrignalDischargeReadmissiondischargedatedays between discharge and readmissions





  • Use this as a starting point

    WITH cteReAdmission AS (

    SELECT ReportingYear, RegArea

    , isReAdmission = CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY,

    LAG(DischargeDate, 1, DateOfAdmission) OVER(PARTITION BY patient

    ORDER BY DateOfAdmission, DischargeDate),


    ) <= 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    FROM YourDataSourceHere



    Admissions = count(*)

    , ReAdmissions = sum(isReAdmission)

    , percReAdmission = 100 * sum(isReAdmission) /count(*)

    FROM cteReAdmission

    GROUP BY ReportingYear, RegArea

  • Thanks for the response. I'm still a bit confused. I'm trying to employ your CTE example, but I'm getting constant errors, mainly in the case statement. I know this is an example you provided, however, I'm trying to model my logic somewhat like what you have.

  • Briceston (10/29/2016)

    Thanks for the response. I'm still a bit confused. I'm trying to employ your CTE example, but I'm getting constant errors, mainly in the case statement. I know this is an example you provided, however, I'm trying to model my logic somewhat like what you have.

    My apologies. That's the second time in 2 days that I have provided a SQL 2012 solution to a SQL 2008 problem.

    Please take a look at this code

    CREATE TABLE #Data (

    ReportingYear int

    , RegArea varchar(50)

    , PatientID int

    , AdmissionDate date

    , DischargeDate date


    INSERT INTO #Data ( ReportingYear, RegArea, PatientID, AdmissionDate, DischargeDate )

    VALUES ( 2013, 'Hamb1', 1, '7/1/2013', '7/8/2013' )

    , ( 2013, 'Hamb1', 1, '7/8/2013', '7/17/2013') -- 0

    , ( 2014, 'Hamb2', 2, '5/7/2014', '5/17/2014' )

    , ( 2014, 'Hamb2', 2, '5/28/2014', '6/14/2014' ) -- 11

    , ( 2015, 'Hamb3', 3, '2/5/2015', '2/10/2015' )

    , ( 2015, 'Hamb3', 3, '2/25/2015', '3/3/2015' ) -- 15

    , ( 2011, 'Hamb4', 4, '10/22/2011', '10/25/2011' )

    , ( 2011, 'Hamb4', 4, '11/23/2011', '12/1/2011' ) -- 29

    WITH cteData AS (

    SELECT ReportingYear, RegArea, PatientID, AdmissionDate, DischargeDate

    , rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY RegArea, PatientID ORDER BY AdmissionDate, DischargeDate)

    FROM #Data


    , cteReAdmission AS (

    SELECT cur.ReportingYear, cur.RegArea, cur.PatientID, cur.AdmissionDate, cur.DischargeDate

    , isReAdmission = CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, prev.DischargeDate, cur.AdmissionDate

    ) <= 30 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END

    FROM cteData AS cur -- Current Record

    LEFT JOIN cteData AS prev -- Previous Record

    ON cur.RegArea = prev.RegArea

    AND cur.PatientID = prev.PatientID

    AND cur.rn = prev.rn +1


    SELECT ReportingYear, RegArea

    , Admissions = count(*)

    , ReAdmissions = sum(isReAdmission)

    , percReAdmission = 100 * sum(isReAdmission) /count(*)

    FROM cteReAdmission

    GROUP BY ReportingYear, RegArea

  • Below is a sample of the underlying data. Please excuse me if I did not use the correct code, and for the headers not being completely aligned.

    Reporting YearReg AreaOrignalAdmissionOrignalDischargeReadmissiondischargedatedays between discharge and readmissions





    I am a bit confused on if the table you list above is the way you have your data or what you want the results of a query to be


  • Thank you for your insight. Your example was not exactly what i needed to answer my question, mainly due to a new Id is issued for a readmission. I'm sure your logic will be helpful in the future. Thanks again.

  • Briceston (11/1/2016)

    Thank you for your insight. Your example was not exactly what i needed to answer my question, mainly due to a new Id is issued for a readmission. I'm sure your logic will be helpful in the future. Thanks again.

    Without sample data, proper DDL statements and expected output... I would not expect anyone to get it right the first time.

    For future reference, you may want to read the link that I have at the bottom of my post here on a method of presenting your situation that gives readers a clear perspective a user's issue.


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