Log shipping job failed

  • Hey, I have a logshipping job that runs every 15 minutes.  For some reason the other night from 11:00 pm to 1:30 am the job did not run, but I have no entries in the job history for it, the logs all appear empty, there is no trace, but every other night the job runs every 15 mintes and I see the log entries for it.  I dont know where else to look for cause, I have checked windows logs, all the sql logs and it just appears the job simply didnt exist that night from 11:00pm to 1:30 am, any ideas on how I can trouble shoot this?  Thanks.  Matt

  • mlorek - Monday, February 6, 2017 11:41 AM

    Hey, I have a logshipping job that runs every 15 minutes.  For some reason the other night from 11:00 pm to 1:30 am the job did not run, but I have no entries in the job history for it, the logs all appear empty, there is no trace, but every other night the job runs every 15 mintes and I see the log entries for it.  I dont know where else to look for cause, I have checked windows logs, all the sql logs and it just appears the job simply didnt exist that night from 11:00pm to 1:30 am, any ideas on how I can trouble shoot this?  Thanks.  Matt

    Which job didn't run? Log backup, copy, restore? On the secondary or the primary?
    Did you check the SQL Agent logs on both server?  Was the service running and were there any error during that time on either server?
    Have you queried any of the tables in msdb in the dbo schema that start with: log_shipping_


  • Thanks Sue!  It was the logshipping backup job on the primary.  Its scheduled for every 15 minutes and I see agent logs and history for it consistently just not during this paticular 2.5 hours the other night, I did get alerts that the seconday and the thresholds were over their time limit.    I havent checked the log_shipping tables, I did look at jobhistory table but it just shows the same thing, like a 2.5 hour period where the jobs just didnt start, fail or even seem to be scheduled?  Thanks for the reply, I will check those tables.

  • I'd be interested in what you find.
    You may also want to check during that period of time, did any jobs at all run on that server. And was anything logged to the Agent error log during that time.


  • did someone disable the job temporarily by any chance


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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