Installing SQL Server Analysis Service won’t start until Granted Local Admin

  • I often install SSAS with other features of SQL Server. I do this because adding features later is a pain and they don’t use resources until used.

    With the emphasis on least privilege, I have been started installing using the generated local service ids. Example NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService. All the services start up at the end of installation except SSAS. No problems with any of the other services. SSAS wont start because its required data files have not been created in *MSAS12.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data.

    So I grant "NT Service\MSSQLServerOLAPService" Local Admin. Then I start up its service and the needed are then created. I then remove it from Local Admin and hope it keeps running. After all all the files should have the local SSAS id as its owner. This makes the auditors happy by limiting local admin ids.

    Yes, SQL Server is installed on Windows 2012 R2 with all it more restricted access.

    I don’t get it. The DBMS service for "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" has no problems creating the files it needs. The SQL Agent starts up no problem, but I do need to add some permissions to folders the jobs will use. SSRS no problems. SSIS is fine.

    There are many published demos people showing how they install SQL Server but I notice they only select the minimum features. Never SSAS. Come on guys/girls select all the features and demo a full install on a real server with multiple drives.

    If others have this problem comment below so I don’t think it is just me. If you know of a solution please share.

    David Bird

  • File level permissions are usually granted to the group that is created for the service account. I have seen them get screwed up a few times over the years. You may want to double check the group membership for SQLServerMSASUser$YourServerName and just check a few of the other permissions. They go through some of this in the article on configuring service accounts - check the section about File System Permissions Assigned to Analysis Services Account -


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