September 28, 2016 at 7:17 am
What are the best practices to trace exceptions in SSIS package?
I am trying to search kind of logging excpetions somewhere. But not sure where is the right place to keep?
Any ideas please.
September 29, 2016 at 4:08 am
It's easy to use the built-in logging.
Right-click on the package background & this gives a sub-menu. Select "Logging..." which is the first option.
This gives you a dialogue where you can select what level of logging you want.
On the "Providers & Logs" tab:
By default, all the containers in the package are selected for logging.
I use "SSIS log provider for SQL server". This outputs the logging to a SQL table - [dbo].[sysssislog] which is automatically created as a system table. Some people prefer a text file, but I find SQL tables easier to browse & housekeep.
On the "Details" tab:
Select the events you want to log typically "OnError" & some others such as "OnPreExecute", "OnWarning".
You can then easily search the log with a simple SQL query: SELECT * FROM [dbo].[sysssislog] WHERE event = 'OnError', for instance.
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