Unable to pass the servername in the openquery Linkedserver

  • Hi Experts

    Unable to  pass the servername in the @param1 variable. It just does not work. Can you suggest how to fix the issue? Error is mentioned below -
    declare @v-2 varchar(200)
    Declare @param1 varchar(200) = 'server'

    set @v-2='
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENQUERY(' + @param1 +', ''EXEC master.dbo.procedure @sysservername =' + @param1 + ''')'

    select @v-2


    Error :
    I am actually passing the servername to another proc to validate.

    Msg 11520, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 55
    The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXEC @retval = sys.sp_testlinkedserver @sysservername;' in procedure 'procedure' invokes an extended stored procedure.


  • SQL-DBA-01 - Tuesday, January 24, 2017 12:43 PM

    Hi Experts

    Unable to  pass the servername in the @param1 variable. It just does not work. Can you suggest how to fix the issue? Error is mentioned below -
    declare @v-2 varchar(200)
    Declare @param1 varchar(200) = 'server'

    set @v-2='
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENQUERY(' + @param1 +', ''EXEC master.dbo.procedure @sysservername =' + @param1 + ''')'

    select @v-2


    Error :
    I am actually passing the servername to another proc to validate.

    Msg 11520, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 55
    The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXEC @retval = sys.sp_testlinkedserver @sysservername;' in procedure 'procedure' invokes an extended stored procedure.

    <delete>  Misread, hang on.

  • Try this:

    set @v-2='
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENQUERY([' + @param1 +'], ''EXEC master.dbo.procedure @sysservername =''' + @param1 + ''')'

  • Edited my post above.

  • Still the same error. I think one quote at the end is missing.


  • SQL-DBA-01 - Tuesday, January 24, 2017 1:51 PM

    Still the same error. I think one quote at the end is missing.

    I get an error on the procedure name "procedure" but then it doesn't exist in my master database.

    declare @v-2 nvarchar(max), @param1 nvarchar(max) = N'';

    set @v-2='
    SELECT *
    FROM OPENQUERY([' + @param1 +'], ''EXEC master.dbo.procedure @sysservername = ''''' + @param1 + ''''''')'
    print @v-2;
    exec (@v);

  • How to write an alternate script against [sys.sp_testlinkedserver]

    When I pass the above result set to this proc ..
    it throws error:

    Msg 11520, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
    The metadata could not be determined because statement 'EXEC @retval = sys.sp_testlinkedserver @servername;' in procedure 'proc' invokes an extended stored procedure.


  • You need to try this:

    exec('exec sp_testlinkedserver []') at []

    Where I am testing this I have a linked server using the loopback ip address.

  • Can I not store the results in a variable? say, @retval


  • I wrote this procedure (q2). When I run q1, I get the error :

    Msg 11529, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
    The metadata could not be determined because every code path results in an error; see previous errors for some of these.
    Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
    Could not find stored procedure 'master.dbo.usp_checkLinkedServer'.

    DECLARE @StatementToRun VARCHAR(MAX)
    SELECT @StatementToRun = StatementToRun FROM OPENQUERY("linkedserver", 'EXEC master.dbo.usp_checkLinkedServer')
    SELECT @StatementToRun
    EXEC (@StatementToRun)

    create PROCEDURE usp_checkLinkedServer (
    @sysservername varchar(1000) = 'server'
    set nocount on
      DECLARE @LinkedServerDBCheck NVARCHAR(2000)
        Declare @count int;
        --Print 1
          BEGIN TRY
       IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.servers WHERE name = @sysservername)
            --SELECT @sys= CONVERT(sysname, @sysservername);
       -- EXEC @retval = msdb.sys.sp_testlinkedserver @servername = @sysservername;
       --SELECT 1;
            SET @LinkedServerDBCheck = 'SELECT 1 FROM '+@sysservername+'.master.sys.databases WHERE name = ''master'''
            --select @LinkedServerDBCheck
       EXEC sys.sp_executesql @LinkedServerDBCheck
       SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT

            IF (@Count > 0)
              print 'LINKED SERVER ''' + ISNULL(@sysservername,'') + ''' Works.'
              PRINT 'LINKED SERVER '''+ ISNULL(@sysservername,'') + ''' DOES NOT Work!'
      END TRY
       SELECT 0;

      END Catch


  • SQL-DBA-01 - Tuesday, January 24, 2017 3:11 PM

    I wrote this procedure (q2). When I run q1, I get the error :

    Msg 11529, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
    The metadata could not be determined because every code path results in an error; see previous errors for some of these.
    Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Procedure sp_describe_first_result_set, Line 1
    Could not find stored procedure 'master.dbo.usp_checkLinkedServer'.

    DECLARE @StatementToRun VARCHAR(MAX)
    SELECT @StatementToRun = StatementToRun FROM OPENQUERY("linkedserver", 'EXEC master.dbo.usp_checkLinkedServer')
    SELECT @StatementToRun
    EXEC (@StatementToRun)

    create PROCEDURE usp_checkLinkedServer (
    @sysservername varchar(1000) = 'server'
    set nocount on
      DECLARE @LinkedServerDBCheck NVARCHAR(2000)
        Declare @count int;
        --Print 1
          BEGIN TRY
       IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.servers WHERE name = @sysservername)
            --SELECT @sys= CONVERT(sysname, @sysservername);
       -- EXEC @retval = msdb.sys.sp_testlinkedserver @servername = @sysservername;
       --SELECT 1;
            SET @LinkedServerDBCheck = 'SELECT 1 FROM '+@sysservername+'.master.sys.databases WHERE name = ''master'''
            --select @LinkedServerDBCheck
       EXEC sys.sp_executesql @LinkedServerDBCheck
       SELECT @Count = @@ROWCOUNT

            IF (@Count > 0)
              print 'LINKED SERVER ''' + ISNULL(@sysservername,'') + ''' Works.'
              PRINT 'LINKED SERVER '''+ ISNULL(@sysservername,'') + ''' DOES NOT Work!'
      END TRY
       SELECT 0;

      END Catch

    You can't use openquery to run a stored procedure on a remote server.  Look at what I last posted.

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