Handling spurious commas in csv

  • Hi,

    I've started to encounter a CSV source that contains extra commas in columns.

    Example lines of data show that it appears in address lines and for these cases the column is surrounded by double quotes.


    1001, "My House Name, 10 new street",London,UK

    1001, 20 main street,New York,USA

    Requesting the data as pipe delimited would be one option but I just thought I'd share this and see if another work around is out there so that the expected csv format can be retained.



  • Eamon

    Is there not an option in the Flat File Connection Manager in SSIS to overlook any delimiters that are enclosed in quotes? If not, I can't think of any option but to use a different delimiter.


  • thanks alot, added " as a delimiter and it sorts it.



  • Yes, in the Flat File Connection Manager set a value of " for the Text Qualifier.

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