DTC Select works, insert update fails cannot begin distributed transaction

  • We have a rather large environment and have just a couple of boxes out there that we are getting cannot begin distributed transaction on inserts and updates but works fine on selects. Inserts and updates work fine outside the begin tran / commit so it's definitely DTC

    We have checked the configuration on and the source box is set to No authentication required same for destination.

    We have: Verified credentials running the service, changed them, same problem. Uninstalled and re-installed MSDTC per Microsoft instructions.

    Have run all the tools for checking DTC DTCPing etc and followed those procedures which typically in the past has resolved any DTC issues. Other than swapping out the offending pc for a new one we are at a loss

    Any ideas will be given virtual free donuts 😀


    The offender was on an XP box. The situation was Windows 2008 / SQL 2008 had a linked server to an XP box / MDSE 2000.

    The DTC transactions were being run on the Win2k8/SQL2k8. The WinXP/MSDE2k was where the custom entry was located as described below. Hope that clarifies.

    It was a custom entry in the host file


    That was pointing to a retired server

    What a hair puller

  • Frankie-464050 (4/1/2015)


    The offender was on an XP box

    It was a custom entry in the host file


    That was pointing to a retired server

    What a hair puller

    I would rephrase that to "the offender is the one that has an Windows XP box in the role of..."


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