NORMINV function in SQL

  • Hi all,

    I am looking to create a table of 1000 rows, uniquely identified by a number (1,2,3...1000), but the second column should use the NORMINV function from excel

    =NORMINV(probability, mean, standard_dev)

    whilst creating the 1000 rows, i would like to set/change the mean and stdev therefore require parameters.

    so it should look something like this...


    @i int = 1,

    @mean float = 2.3,

    @stdev float = 2.0;

    WHILE @i < 1000


    INSERT INTO table1 (rowID, distribution)

    VALUES (@i, NORMINV(RAND(), @mean, @stdev) )

    SET @i = @i + 1


    RAND() is a excel function, but will be simple enough to code that in sql.

    Many thanks in advance

  • RAND() is also a T-SQL function.

    Igor Micev,My blog:

  • it is! just tried it.


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