where condition on same column doesnt return data

  • i have a question, below query doesn't return any data. application is allowing filters on same column.

    Is there any other to make it work

    /*-------------------------Drop temp tables-------------------------------------------*/

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#employee') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #employee;

    create table #employee


    Employeeid int not null primary key ,

    FirstNm varchar(50) not null,

    LastNm varchar(50) not null


    insert into #employee

    select 1, 'John', 'abc'

    union select 2 , 'William','abc'

    union select 3, 'lary', 'pqr'

    union select 4, 'Linda', 'mvc'

    union select 5, 'Pat', 'pqrs'

    select * from #employee

    where FirstNm = 'John'

    and FirstNm = 'Linda'

  • You need OR, not AND.

    select * from #employee

    where FirstNm = 'John'

    OR FirstNm = 'Linda'

  • There is a flaw in your logic as only if "John" == "Linda" will it ever return anything, which is not going to happen.


    When searching for multiple values in a column then it is normally easiest to use the IN clause.





    FROM #employee EMP

    WHERE EMP.FirstNm IN ('John','Linda');

  • Ditto,

    First name can be 'John' OR 'Linda' but cannot be both at the same time (which is what a AND condition is implying).


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