Pivot Table

  • I created this query to return some data grouped by placement month. The result set is correct, but I was wondering is there a better way of doing this. I feel like there is too many sub queries in this statement. Is there an alternative way of doing this with less code.

    Thanks in advance.

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Test') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Test


    (PlacementMonth VARCHAR(10),

    TimeZoneNameLiq VARCHAR(50),

    TimeZoneNamePlaced VARCHAR(50),

    LiquidationPercent DECIMAL(10,9),

    NumberOfActiveAccounts INT



    ( PlacementMonth ,

    TimeZoneNameLiq ,

    TimeZoneNamePlaced ,

    LiquidationPercent ,




    ('2-2016','Mountain Liq','Mountain Placed',0.25420357225119,382),

    ('1-2016','Mountain Liq','Mountain Placed',0.81183256592356,386),

    ('1-2016','Other Liq','Other Placed',0.14265108809629,401),

    ('2-2016','Eastern Liq','Eastern Placed',0.44148909410136,4862),

    ('1-2016','Eastern Liq','Eastern Placed',0.48148333136518,3889),

    ('2-2016','Central Liq','Central Placed',0.41321650476249,3587),

    ('1-2016','Central Liq','Central Placed',0.44545377413084,2836),

    ('1-2016','Pacific Liq','Pacific Placed',0.59245486005060,1246),

    ('2-2016','Pacific Liq','Pacific Placed',0.42840499067780,1532),

    ('2-2016','Other Liq','Other Placed',0.24454259173256,482)

    SELECT PlacementMonth

    ,EasternPlaced = MAX([EasternPlaced])

    ,EasternLiq = MAX([EasternLiq])

    ,CentralPlaced = MAX([CentralPlaced])

    ,CentralLiq = MAX([CentralLiq])

    ,MountainPlaced = MAX([MountainPlaced])

    ,MountainLiq = MAX([MountainLiq])

    ,PacificPlaced = MAX([PacificPlaced])

    ,PacificLiq = MAX([PacificLiq])

    ,OtherPlaced = MAX([OtherPlaced])

    ,OtherLiq = MAX([OtherLiq])

    FROM (

    SELECT PlacementMonth

    ,EasternPlaced =[Eastern Placed]

    ,EasternLiq = [Eastern Liq]

    ,CentralPlaced =[Central Placed]

    ,CentralLiq = [Central Liq]

    ,MountainPlaced = [Mountain Placed]

    ,MountainLiq = [Mountain Liq]

    ,PacificPlaced = [Pacific Placed]

    ,PacificLiq = [Pacific Liq]

    ,OtherPlaced = [Other Placed]

    ,OtherLiq = [Other Liq]

    FROM (

    SELECT *

    FROM #Test

    ) sub

    PIVOT (


    FOR TimeZoneNameLiq IN ([Other Liq], [Mountain Liq], [Central Liq], [Pacific Liq], [Eastern Liq] )

    ) AS PivotTbl

    PIVOT (


    FOR TimeZoneNamePlaced IN ([Other Placed], [Mountain Placed], [Central Placed], [Pacific Placed], [Eastern Placed])

    ) AS PivotTbl2

    ) x

    GROUP BY PlacementMonth

  • The alternative is using cross tabs, which will make the query run faster.

    SELECT PlacementMonth,

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Eastern Placed' THEN NumberOfActiveAccounts END) AS [Eastern Placed],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Eastern Placed' THEN LiquidationPercent END) AS [Eastern Liq],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Central Placed' THEN NumberOfActiveAccounts END) AS [Central Placed],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Central Placed' THEN LiquidationPercent END) AS [Central Liq],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Mountain Placed' THEN NumberOfActiveAccounts END) AS [Mountain Placed],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Mountain Placed' THEN LiquidationPercent END) AS [Mountain Liq],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Pacific Placed' THEN NumberOfActiveAccounts END) AS [Pacific Placed],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Pacific Placed' THEN LiquidationPercent END) AS [Pacific Liq],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Other Placed' THEN NumberOfActiveAccounts END) AS [Other Placed],

    MAX(CASE WHEN TimeZoneNamePlaced = 'Other Placed' THEN LiquidationPercent END) AS [Other Liq]

    FROM #Test

    GROUP BY PlacementMonth;

    More information in here:


    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanks for the reply. The query does perform better and the alternative is more readable.



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