Stored Procedure - that automatically fill the hourly

  • Looking for a procedure that insert values (24 hour) from a primary/main table to the secondary/sub table.

    My main has the following columns that comes from a csv file.


    1.DealNumber (Primary Key)






    Assume that the csv file as 10 rows where deal number is unique, Whenever the user uploads the data from csv file to SQL db table, if the start date and end dates are same then the secondary table should automatically fills in data (1-24) on the hourly column for that particular dealnumber along with data for MW, Price. Is there a way to do this. I dont want to store the secondary data in a temp table as i nee this data to show it in infopath form.



    2.Hourly (1-24)



  • It isn't clear to me what you actually want. Can you provide some sample data (as INSERT statements, preferrably with an initial CREATE TABLE statement) and how this sample data must look like in the results?

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Hanshi, I am sorry for not being clear. I have a SQL table called Primary that gets the data from a csv file. This primary table has following columns (DealNumber,StartDate,Enddate,MW,Price). I have created a secondary in that i need to show the deal number, MW, Price from the first table along with i need to show hours (1 to 24) if the start and end date are same.

    I dont know how to insert deal numbers, MW, Price automatically to the secondary table with hours column if the start and end date same.

    Say for example my primary data have the following data:


    Deal Number startdate enddate MW Price

    10001 10/25/2016 10/25/2016 250 23

    10002 10/25/2016 10/31/2016 250 20

    Secondary Table should show the vaules only for the deal that has the same start and end date:

    DealNumber Hourly MW Price

    10001 1 250 23

    10001 2 250 23

    10001 3 250 23

    10001 4 250 23

    10001 5 250 23

    10001 6 250 23

    10001 7 250 23

    10001 8 250 23

    10001 9 250 23

    10001 10 250 23

    10001 11 250 23

    10001 12 250 23

    10001 13 250 23

    10001 14 250 23

    10001 15 250 23

    10001 16 250 23

    10001 17 250 23

    10001 18 250 23

    10001 19 250 23

    10001 20 250 23

    10001 21 250 23

    10001 22 250 23

    10001 23 250 23

    10001 24 250 23

  • When posting, you should really provide the INSERT statements, as a copy paste of data can be awful to read. I've done this for you:

    CREATE TABLE #Primary (DealNumber INT,

    StartDate DATE,

    EndDate DATE,

    MV INT,

    Price INT);

    INSERT INTO #Primary

    VALUES (10001, '2016-10-25', '2016-10-25', 250, 23), --You should always provide dates in a globally accepted format, to me I would read '10/25/2016' as the 10th day of the 25th month. That doen't make sense.

    (10002, '2016-10-25', '2016-10-31', 250, 20);

    DROP TABLE #Primary

    It can also mean that we make incorrect assumptions of your data types (for all I know MV might not always be an INT, and Price could be a DECIMAL).

    Edit: Fixed spelling


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Why do you want to store the data 24 times?

    You can achieve the result without having all that data stored. It's just a waste of storage when a query will return the same result.

    CREATE TABLE #PrimaryTable(

    DealNumber int,

    startdate date,

    enddate date,

    MW int,

    Price int


    INSERT INTO #PrimaryTable


    (10001, '10/25/2016', '10/25/2016', 250, 23),

    (10002, '10/25/2016', '10/31/2016', 250, 20);



    E(n) AS(

    SELECT n FROM (VALUES(0),(0),(0),(0),(0))E(n)


    E2(n) AS(

    SELECT a.n FROM E a, E b


    cteTally(n) AS(


    FROM E2


    SELECT p.DealNumber,

    t.n AS Hourly,



    FROM cteTally t

    CROSS JOIN #PrimaryTable p

    WHERE P.DealNumber = 10001


    DROP TABLE #PrimaryTable

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you Tom. Appreciate it.

  • Luis Cazares (10/26/2016)

    Why do you want to store the data 24 times?

    You can achieve the result without having all that data stored. It's just a waste of storage when a query will return the same result.

    CREATE TABLE #PrimaryTable(

    DealNumber int,

    startdate date,

    enddate date,

    MW int,

    Price int


    INSERT INTO #PrimaryTable


    (10001, '10/25/2016', '10/25/2016', 250, 23),

    (10002, '10/25/2016', '10/31/2016', 250, 20);



    E(n) AS(

    SELECT n FROM (VALUES(0),(0),(0),(0),(0))E(n)


    E2(n) AS(

    SELECT a.n FROM E a, E b


    cteTally(n) AS(


    FROM E2


    SELECT p.DealNumber,

    t.n AS Hourly,



    FROM cteTally t

    CROSS JOIN #PrimaryTable p

    WHERE P.DealNumber = 10001


    DROP TABLE #PrimaryTable

    This looks like an excellent solution to the OP's question. Only one minor change in the WHERE clause, as the OP want's oly results for the Delanumber where the dates are the same.

    So change

    WHERE P.DealNumber = 10001


    WHERE P.startdate = P.enddate

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Luis, Thank you for the code and the suggestion. Really Appreciate it. We need to show hours in the secondary table as in the front end GUI we got to show the end user the hours and their corresponding MW and price. An end user can can edit the MW & Price for any hours they want.

  • Deries (10/26/2016)

    Luis, Thank you for the code and the suggestion. Really Appreciate it. We need to show hours in the secondary table as in the front end GUI we got to show the end user the hours and their corresponding MW and price. An end user can can edit the MW & Price for any hours they want.

    In that case, you can create a trigger to do the insert for you

    CREATE TRIGGER dbo.InsertSecondary

    ON dbo.PrimaryTable





    INSERT INTO dbo.SecondaryTable ( DealNumber, Hourly, MW, Price )

    SELECT i.DealNumber, Hrs.Hr, i.MW, i.Price


    CROSS APPLY (VALUES ( 1), ( 2), ( 3), ( 4), ( 5), ( 6)

    , ( 7), ( 8), ( 9), (10), (11), (12)

    , (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18)

    , (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24)

    ) AS Hrs(Hr)

    WHERE i.StartDate = i.EndDate


  • Deries (10/26/2016)

    Luis, Thank you for the code and the suggestion. Really Appreciate it. We need to show hours in the secondary table as in the front end GUI we got to show the end user the hours and their corresponding MW and price. An end user can can edit the MW & Price for any hours they want.

    In that case, I would only store the edited mw & prices. Then just add them to the query. No need to be storing repeated data.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • I am bit confused, sorry about that. If i use the above code will that create a table Primary and insert the data? I dont want to create any table as they are already and I only wanted to insert data from primary to secondary. Luis use your code and the suggestion to implement?

  • My sincere thanks to each one of you who helped me here and gave their suggestions. It helped me a lot to figure out the best practice to use for my development. Appreciate it.

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