Tree View Hierarchy Query

  • ID ParentiD IsAutoCalculate Level

    1 0 1 0

    2 1 0 1

    3 1 0 1

    4 1 0 1

    5 2 0 2

    6 2 0 2

    7 3 0 2

    8 4 0 2

    9 0 1 0

    10 9 0 1

    11 0 1 0

    12 11 1 1

    13 12 0 2

    The above table shows a parent child relationship with the hierarchy shown in column level.

    for each parent (IDs 1, 9, 11), I want the first child level where the column IsAutoCalculate = 0

    so for parent Id 1, the rows to be returned is of level 1 as that is the first child row of this parent with IsAutoCalculate = 0. The rows with level 2 should not be returned

    For parent id 3, the rows to be returned will be with level 2 as this is the first child row of this parent with IsAutoCalculate = 0

    Thanks in advance

    Warm Regards


  • Looks like you need to use recursive CTE. But I don't understand your question and your output requirement

  • IDParent IDFlagLevel

    10 11

    21 02

    32 03

    40 11

    54 12

    65 03

    Let me explain it for you

    1 is the parent of 2 and 2 is the parent of 3

    4 is the parent of 5 and 5 is the parent of 6

    for 1 & 4(these are the grandparents) I want the following output

    The output should be the first child or grandchild which has the flag as 0

    for 1, the child 2 and grandchild 3 have the flag as 0 However since 2 is at level 2, I want the output to reflect only child 2

    for 4, the child 5 has flag as 1 and grandchild 6 as flag as 0. So only the grandchild 6 should be displayed as the output

    so for all grandparents I want the first ancestor with flag as 0



  • Try recursive cte as follows. I changed your input so that grandparent 1 has two different paths with IsAutoCalculate =(1...1,0) . You may need to tweak the query if only one path is required. I've assumed "first" means the least id within a parent.

    with src as


    select * from (values














    (13,12,0,2)) as T(ID, ParentiD, IsAutoCalculate, Level)

    ), rcte as (

    select ID gId, ID, ParentiD, IsAutoCalculate, Level, cast(0 as bigint) as rn

    from src

    where ParentiD = 0

    union all

    select gId, src.ID, src.ParentiD, src.IsAutoCalculate, src.Level

    , row_number() over (order by src.IsAutoCalculate, src.ID) as rn

    from rcte

    join src on rcte.Id = src.Parentid and rcte.IsAutoCalculate = 1


    select * from rcte

    where IsAutoCalculate = 0 and rn = 1

    order by gId

  • Thank you very much.

    It worked really well.

    Thanks once again

  • MaggieW (2/26/2015)

    Looks like you need to use recursive CTE. But I don't understand your question and your output requirement

    rCTEs are not the only way, and often aren't the fastest way:

    The Performance of Traversing a SQL Hierarchy [/url]

    My mantra: No loops! No CURSORs! No RBAR! Hoo-uh![/I]

    My thought question: Have you ever been told that your query runs too fast?

    My advice:
    INDEXing a poor-performing query is like putting sugar on cat food. Yeah, it probably tastes better but are you sure you want to eat it?
    The path of least resistance can be a slippery slope. Take care that fixing your fixes of fixes doesn't snowball and end up costing you more than fixing the root cause would have in the first place.

    Need to UNPIVOT? Why not CROSS APPLY VALUES instead?[/url]
    Since random numbers are too important to be left to chance, let's generate some![/url]
    Learn to understand recursive CTEs by example.[/url]
    [url url=

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