Bizarre Transaction Replication Issue Subscription Status 3(!?!)

  • Hello.

    Right, I really hope there is someone out there can explain this to me. First, the details...

    SQL Server 2012 ENT SP2 on the 3 servers (Pub, Dist, Sub) involved.

    Transaction Replication push subscription.

    All I wanted to do was add a new table to a database (done),

    Add it to my publication as an article (done via the GUI, with allow schema changes set to TRUE),

    Have it appear in the existing subscription. The issue.

    I appear to be forced into dropping the subscription, recreating it, reinitialising, creating a new snapshot (takes hours and hours) for the new table to be applied to the subscription. Thing is, it takes a snapshot all the articles, and I want to avoid this. Its somewhat time consuming.

    So I read an article (no actual need to read it unless you want to)...,

    ...very simple, but its not working for me, I should be able to generate a snapshot that only contains the changes. My one table.

    I have all the correct settings, but the snapshot will always take the full DB (all the articles).

    There are supposed to be only 3 Subscription status available when running sp_helpsubscriptions (my new table shows up...

    Subscription status:

    0 = Inactive

    1 = Subscribed

    2 = Active

    ...but when I run this, all the subscription status' are 3(?!?), I have double checked on the MSDN site, and there is no 3.

    I just don't get it, and I should be able to generate a snapshot that only contains the changes. I do not know if it matters or makes a difference, but when Transaction Replication was set up, we did not initialise the subscriber as the subscriber database was a backup (along with the subscriber) and was up to date.

    Any help would be so appreciated, especially in regards to the subscription status.

    Kind regards,


  • I can't speak to the subscription status issue but the below link is from the Microsoft REPLTalk blog. see option 2. I found this by doing an internet search for "add article to a subscription"

  • Hello,

    I tried this but inserts into the table at the publisher are not replication to the subscriber. In my view this does not work.



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