Calculating student age as of one of two reference dates

  • I am working with a view in SQL Server 2012

    Calculating student age as of one of two reference dates

    For fall term use reference date 1

    For spring term use reference date 2

    This seems very straight forward. I have separate queries using each date and they both work when run individually so the problem is not with the date calculations.

    I have problems when I try to combine these into an If statement. I also tried a CASE statement.

    Here is my latest rendition:

    [font="Courier New"]Declare @RefDate1 varchar(5) = '9/15/'

    Declare @RefDate2 varchar(5) = '2/25/'




    Left(Record_Period,1) AS RecordTerm,

    RIGHT(Record_Period,4) AS RecordYear,

    If Left(Record_Period,1) <> '4'


    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) AS Years,

    -- Add the Years from above to the birthdate as if the DOB was this year

    DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate) AS New_DOB,

    -- Now compare New_DOB to ReferenceDate

    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) -


    When DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate)

    >@RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4) Then 1

    Else 0

    End AS SURDS_Age




    -- Add the Years from above to the birthdate as if the DOB was this year

    DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate) AS New_DOB,

    -- Now compare New_DOB to ReferenceDate

    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) -


    When DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate)

    >@RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4) Then 1

    Else 0

    End AS SURDS_Age


    End if

    From dbo.View[/font]

    Thanks very much


  • ken.mulvihill (11/19/2015)

    I am working with a view in SQL Server 2012

    Calculating student age as of one of two reference dates

    For fall term use reference date 1

    For spring term use reference date 2

    This seems very straight forward. I have separate queries using each date and they both work when run individually so the problem is not with the date calculations.

    I have problems when I try to combine these into an If statement. I also tried a CASE statement.

    Here is my latest rendition:

    [font="Courier New"]Declare @RefDate1 varchar(5) = '9/15/'

    Declare @RefDate2 varchar(5) = '2/25/'




    Left(Record_Period,1) AS RecordTerm,

    RIGHT(Record_Period,4) AS RecordYear,

    If Left(Record_Period,1) <> '4'


    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) AS Years,

    -- Add the Years from above to the birthdate as if the DOB was this year

    DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate) AS New_DOB,

    -- Now compare New_DOB to ReferenceDate

    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) -


    When DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate)

    >@RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4) Then 1

    Else 0

    End AS SURDS_Age




    -- Add the Years from above to the birthdate as if the DOB was this year

    DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate) AS New_DOB,

    -- Now compare New_DOB to ReferenceDate

    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) -


    When DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate)

    >@RefDate2 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4) Then 1

    Else 0

    End AS SURDS_Age


    End if

    From dbo.View[/font]

    Thanks very much


    First, you can't use an IF in a SELECT clause, you do need to use the CASE.

    Second, it could be that I am just tired, but the code doesn't quite make sense to me. Could you step through a couple of examples that demonstrates what you are trying to accomplish with this query? Be sure to show beginning state and ending state for both reference dates using the same student's birth dates.

  • Lynn

    I should have known better re: an IF. I was getting desperate.

    The following query works on it's own

    The goal is to find out how old a student was at the time the registered for class. We use a cut-off date (RefDate) for Fall registration 9/15 and one for Spring registration 2/15.

    Step one: Subtract birth year from the year they registered. That would be the students age except that they may not have had a birthday as of 9/15. The # of years old would be wrong.

    Step two: Figure out the birthday as if they were born this year.

    Step three: Is their birthday this year (New DOB) after the reference date? If so, that means they haven't had a birthday yet so subtract 1 year from the # of year. If not, then subtract 0 (nothing) from the # of years and you have the correct date.

    So I have two queries that work for Fall Term and one fro Spring Term. I would like to combine them to first determine which term are we in, and use the appropriate reference date.

    In a nutshell this is what I was trying to do.


    When term = fall

    Then run the query that uses reference date 9/15

    Else run the query that uses reference date 2/15

    End AS Age

    But it didn't work and by now I don't remember the errors. I hope this helps.



    [font="Courier New"]Declare @RefDate1 varchar(5) = '9/15/'





    Left(Record_Period,1) AS RecordTerm,

    RIGHT(Record_Period,4) AS RecordYear,

    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) AS Years,

    -- Add the Years from above to the birthdate as if the DOB was this year

    DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate) AS New_DOB,

    -- Now compare New_DOB to ReferenceDate

    DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)) -


    When DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, Birthdate, @RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4)), Birthdate)

    >@RefDate1 + RIGHT(Record_Period,4) Then 1

    Else 0

    End AS SURDS_Age

    From dbo.vDemographics

    Where Record_Period= '22014'


    BirthdateRecord_Period Record_Term Record_Year #Years New_DOB SURDS_Age

    10/12/1986 22014 2 2014 28 10/12/2014 27

  • Would it be easier to add a minimal required age to student's birthday and see if the returned date (date when the student reach the required age) <= of the cut-off date?

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • First, you can't use an IF in a SELECT clause, you do need to use the CASE.

    A possible alternative is iff(), which can be used in a SELECT:

    select iif(datename(weekday, getdate()) = 'Friday', 'Hurray it''s Friday', 'Dull. It''s not Friday :-( ');

  • ken.mulvihill (11/19/2015)


    In a nutshell this is what I was trying to do.


    When term = fall

    Then run the query that uses reference date 9/15

    Else run the query that uses reference date 2/15

    End AS Age

    Use cross apply to define and compute intermediate variables for further complex computations.


    -- some stuff which depends on x.RefDate1

    From dbo.vDemographics

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT RefDate1 = CASE term WHEN 'fall' THEN '9/15' ELSE '2/15' END) AS x

    Where Record_Period= '22014'

  • Thanks everyone for responding.

    How to calculate the age is not the issue. I know there are many was to do so, but somehow I got my head wrapped around this one and it works. As I said, a query with either refdate1 or refdate2 returns exactly what I need.

    Phil - I have use an iif before but switched to CASE since they are easier to read. I'll have a look at it again.

    Serg - I am not familiar with APPLY, but the code snippet looks good. Now once I have defined the variable refdate1, would I then continue with my DATEDIFF stuff (technical term)?

  • I'm not sure if I should have read all the replies before, but this seems like a good option. I started by using a CASE for each column, but this is a lot cleaner.




    Left(v.Record_Period,1) AS RecordTerm,

    RIGHT(v.Record_Period,4) AS RecordYear,

    DATEDIFF(YY, v.Birthdate, x.RefDate + RIGHT(v.Record_Period,4)) AS Years,

    -- Add the Years from above to the birthdate as if the DOB was this year

    DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, v.Birthdate, v.RefDate + RIGHT(v.Record_Period,4)), v.Birthdate) AS New_DOB,

    -- Now compare New_DOB to ReferenceDate

    DATEDIFF(YY, v.Birthdate, x.RefDate + RIGHT(v.Record_Period,4))

    - CASE WHEN DATEADD(YY, DATEDIFF(YY, v.Birthdate, x.RefDate + RIGHT(v.Record_Period,4)), v.Birthdate) > x.RefDate + RIGHT(v.Record_Period,4)

    THEN 1


    FROM dbo.View v

    CROSS APPLY ( SELECT CASE WHEN Left(v.Record_Period,1) <> '4'

    THEN @RefDate1

    ELSE @RefDate2 END) AS x(RefDate)

    To understand APPLY, check the following articles:

    As a summary, APPLY is like a JOIN on steroids.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Luis - Thanks for the clarification of the APPLY command. The links were very helpful. I also appreciate the link to how to post code for a better response. I am not sure I understood, but I will figure it out before I post again.


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