Blog Post

PASS Business Analytics Conference: the ultimate networking


I went to the PASS Business Analytics Conference last week, and had an absolute blast.  I presented two sessions, and attended many more, and was also part of the live blogging panel at both keynotes.  I learned a lot, but the best part about attending the conference was all the people I met.

Many years ago, when I would attend conferences, I would just go back to my hotel and not bother meeting anyone.  Big mistake.  Over the years I have seen the value in meeting people.  So, I make it a point to pre-arrange as many breakfasts/lunches/dinners/beers/coffees with people I would like to meet.  Since this was a BI conference, I tried to meet every BI expert in the industry, and nearly did so!  Not only did we share great insights into the wonderful world of BI, but I shared personal stories with many who I now consider friends.  And I look forward to meeting up with everyone at the next conference.

Below are all the people I met (43, and I know I missed a few names – sorry!), with many of them taking the time out of their busy day to chat with me, including a number who I shared a meal with.  How many people did you meet at your last conference?

Thomas LaRock

Douglas McDowell

Mark Tabladillo

Artus Krohn-Grimberghe

Peter Myers

Drew Minkin

Rod Colledge

Rob Collie

Mark Ginnebaugh

Bill Graziano

Karen Lopez

Josh Fennessy

Chris Webb

Kevin Kline

Jen Stirrup

Adam Jorgensen

Paul Turley

Craig Utley

Marco Russo

Brian Mitchell

Brian Walker

Rob Kerr

Scott Stauffer

Amy Lewis

John Hoang

Stacia Misner

Erika Bakse

Julie Koesmarno

Hope Foley

Neil Hambly

Devin Knight

Dan Clark

Angel Abundez

Bob Bloem

Ted Krueger

Greg Kramer

Bob Phillips

Aaron Nelson

Jason Thomas

Jorge Segarra

Todd McDermid

Dave DuVarney

Wendy Pastrick

More info:

PASS Business Analytics Conference Day 1 Takeaways and PASS Business Analytics Conference Day 2 Takeaways

PASS Business Analytics Conference Keynote Day #1 and PASS Business Analytics Conference Keynote Day #2

PASS Business Analytics Conference Summary

Day 1: PASS Business Analytics Conference, The Art of Analytics and Day 2: PASS Business Analytics Conference, New 3D Mapping Analytics Tool for Excel and Day 3: PASS Business Analytics Conference, Analytics in Action

PASS Business Analytics Conference (BAC) Recap

PASS BA Conference Key Note Day 1; “FUN has its own ROI”

PASS Business Analytics Conference–Recap

PASS BA Conference: Interview with the PASS Board


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