a way to return only partitions having a specific value?

  • I'm partitioning data to group by lead_id and order by date in descending order with the following


    select top 1000 lead_id, activity_type_code, activity_date,

    row_number() over(partition by lead_id order by activity_date desc) rownum

    from [dbo].[PartitionExample]

    how do I modify this script to return only the partitions that have an 'M'? I need the whole partition, not just the row of the partition having an 'M'. For example, if I use filter WHERE activity_type_code = 'M' then only the row of each partition having the 'M' is returned

    But, I need the whole partition, so in the table below, I would want all 5 rows of the lead_id = 159 partition.

    DDL (generated by SSL task. the third column will render as datetime when insert is run)

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PartitionExample](

    [lead_id] [int] NOT NULL,

    [activity_type_code] [varchar](10) NOT NULL,

    [activity_date] [smalldatetime] NOT NULL,

    [rownum] [bigint] NULL


    ----the 3rd row is date column, generate script task turns it into hexadecimal, but when run produces regular datetime column

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (147, N'PI', CAST(0x9108031E AS SmallDateTime), 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (147, N'PI', CAST(0x9108031E AS SmallDateTime), 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (159, N'M', CAST(0x91310448 AS SmallDateTime), 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (159, N'RA', CAST(0x91310447 AS SmallDateTime), 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (159, N'RA', CAST(0x91310445 AS SmallDateTime), 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (159, N'RA', CAST(0x91310443 AS SmallDateTime), 4)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (159, N'RA', CAST(0x91310442 AS SmallDateTime), 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (161, N'PI', CAST(0x910B0223 AS SmallDateTime), 1)

    INSERT [dbo].[PartitionExample] ([lead_id], [activity_type_code], [activity_date], [rownum]) VALUES (161, N'RA', CAST(0x910B0223 AS SmallDateTime), 2)

    I searched for 'returned all rows of a partition sql query' and came found nothing. Kindly, do you have suggestions? Thanks.

  • Correlated subqueries are your friend...

    select top 1000 lead_id, activity_type_code, activity_date,

    row_number() over(partition by lead_id order by activity_date desc) rownum

    from [PartitionExample] pe

    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM PartitionExample WHERE activity_type_code = 'M' AND lead_id=pe.lead_id);

  • Right, First question to consider is what is unique about all set that has the row with a value of 'M'

    This should work



    FROM PartitionExample OuterPartition


    (SELECT Lead_ID

    FROM PartitionExample InnerPartition

    WHERE Activity_Type_Code='M') InnerPartition

    ON InnerPartition.Lead_ID=OuterPartition.Lead_ID

    That should do the job and return the rows you require, it becomes more difficult if you have multiple sets with the 'M' activity code.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • pietlinden (11/11/2014)

    Correlated subqueries are your friend...

    select top 1000 lead_id, activity_type_code, activity_date,

    row_number() over(partition by lead_id order by activity_date desc) rownum

    from [PartitionExample] pe

    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM PartitionExample WHERE activity_type_code = 'M' AND lead_id=pe.lead_id);

    wont that only return one row, as that is all the EXISTS set returns?

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • returns all the leads where lead_id = 159, because at least one in the set contains an 'M' activity type code. If you run it, it returns 5 records.

  • I thought with the additional filter on the correlated sub query it would act as an exclusive filter, for that one row, but I'm happy to be wrong.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • I think you're right... you don't need an EXISTS subquery... you can do all this with a join. =)

  • Jason and peitlinden. both marked as answer. Thanks much for help.

    Regarding 'correlated queries are your friend'....seems to be true lately, peitlinden. Thanks for sticking by.

  • peitlinden's ends up working better for me because it allows me to order the dates within the partition, but that wasn't part of the ask....:-)

  • thanks for the easily consumable data... (the only thing missing was the "extra" data so that you're sure it gets excluded).

    Found this article discussing IN vs EXISTS, which was interesting... I'm pretty sure GilaMonster has an article on it.


    Yep, found Gail's article... well worth a read.


    Her explanation is great, and really easy to understand.

  • @pietlinden, It just shows there are multiple ways of accomplishing the same task, and to be pragmatic, as in some circumstances one solution may perform slightly better than the other. =)

    pietlinden (11/11/2014)

    thanks for the easily consumable data... (the only thing missing was the "extra" data so that you're sure it gets excluded).

    Found this article discussing IN vs EXISTS, which was interesting... I'm pretty sure GilaMonster has an article on it.


    Yep, found Gail's article... well worth a read.


    Her explanation is great, and really easy to understand.

    That article by Gail is very good, as are a number of others, also its worth taking a look at one on catch-all queries, especially if you are heavily into reporting.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • top article: JOIN, EXISTS, IN capable of producing the same stats.

    Gail. Exists doesn’t check for a match, it doesn’t care in the slightest what values are been returned from the expression, it just checks for whether a row exists or not...to use EXISTS to do the same kind of thing as IN, there must be a correlation predicate within the subquery.

    Pietlinden I think you used correlation predicate. I better return to my 'takeaway' query and double check all good. Thanks for reading material.

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