Remove auto generated statistics after adding an index.

  • We have implemented a very small reporting database which has a main table that started off small and has now grown to around half a million rows. Initially, there were no indexes on the table apart from a clustered index, but as the data has grown, performance has dropped and so we have added a number of indexes. This has resolved the performance issues.

    Before creating the indexes SQL Server had auto created a number of statistic objects (_WA_Sys_000... etc). After creating the indexes, new statistic objects where created for the new indexes. In some cases, there are duplicate statistics (auto and index) for the same columns.

    Should I go through and drop the duplicate auto statistics? Will having duplicates cause issues at all?


  • Should I go through and drop the duplicate auto statistics? Will having duplicates cause issues at all?

    No issues at all

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Perfect. Thanks.

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