Retail Week udf in TSQL

  • Hi guys,

    Hope you can help me as I'm stuck. I am trying to create a TSQL function that returns the Retail Week No for a given date. A Retail Calendar table is OK as well just having hard time trying to put the logic behind the Retail Week number.

    Retail Week Requirements:

    Starts on: February 1st

    Ends on: January 31st

    First day of week: Monday


    Friday 30-Jan-2015 = Week 53, 2014

    Saturday 31-Jan-2015 = Week 53, 2014

    Sunday 01-Feb-2015 = Week 1, 2015

    Monday 02-Feb-2015 = Week 2, 2015


    Saturday 07-Feb-2015 = Week 2, 2014

    Sunday 08-Feb-2015 = Week 2, 2015

    Monday 09-Feb-2015 = Week 3, 2015

    So in 2015, Week 1 will have one day only. This is the requirement.

    I struggled to create a user defined function, but my head won't come up with any viable solutions, nor could I find this over the internet.

    Any guidance will be appreciated!



  • Assuming that you have a calendar table, the following variation on a gaps and islands solution will work:

    WITH retail_weeks AS (

    SELECT rdt.retail_year, rdt.retail_dt

    , ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY rdt.retail_year ORDER BY cal.dt, rdt.is_boundary DESC)

    - DENSE_RANK() OVER(PARTITION BY rdt.retail_year ORDER BY cal.dt)

    + 1 AS retail_week,


    FROM calendar cal


    SELECT YEAR(DATEADD(MONTH, -1, cal.dt)), cal.dt, CAST(0 AS BIT)


    SELECT YEAR(DATEADD(MONTH, -1, cal.dt)), cal.dt, 1


    ) AS rdt(retail_year, retail_dt, is_boundary)


    SELECT *

    FROM retail_weeks

    WHERE retail_dt BETWEEN '2014-12-25' AND '2015-03-01'

    AND is_boundary = 0

    If you don't have a calendar table, you can use a CTE to create a calendar table on the fly. There are plenty of articles on how to do so.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Just date and integer arithmetic version

    create function retailWeekNumbers(@dt date)

    returns table


    return select


    ,[Week] = datediff(day

    ,dateadd(day, ( - datepart(weekday,YStartDt) -7) % 7, YStartDt) -- first week start

    ,@dt) / 7 + 1

    from (


    -- requierments parameters

    ysm = 2

    ,ws = datepart(weekday,cast('09-Feb-2015' as date)) -- monday, per regional settings

    ) as t1

    cross apply(


    [Year] = year(dateadd(month, 1-t1.ysm, @dt))

    ) as t2

    cross apply(


    YStartDt = datefromparts([Year], t1.ysm, 1)

    ) as t3


    with tst as (

    select top(30) dt=dateadd(day, row_number() over(order by (select null)), DATEFROMPARTS(2015, 1, 20))

    from sys.all_objects


    select dt, r.Year, r.Week

    from tst

    cross apply retailWeekNumbers(dt) r;

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