please help to create a sql statement.

  • Hi Could you please help to create a sql statement on below requirement

    I have data like below

    CREATE TABLE dbo.Data


    seqNum int,

    StartTime datetime,

    price float,

    Symbol varchar(30)


    -- Populate the table with values.

    INSERT INTO dbo.Data (seqNum,StartTime,price,Symbol)

    select 1, getdate()-10,'0.0120000','WST/INR'

    union all

    select 2, getdate()-9,'0.0210000','WST/INR'

    union all

    select 3, getdate()-8,'0.0300000','WST/INR'

    union all

    select 4, getdate()-7,'0.03100000','WST/INR'

    union all

    select 5, getdate()-6,'0.04100000','WST/INR'

    -----------------I want a sql statement which calculate difference of price movement of different consecutive Start date and then calculate the average of populated difference. Could you please help me?

    seqNumStartTime PriceSymbolDifferenceAvg

    127/10/2014 08:17 0.012WST/INR0.009 0.0215

    228/10/2014 08:17 0.021WST/INR0.009

    329/10/2014 08:17 0.03 WST/INR0.001

    430/10/2014 08:17 0.031WST/INR0.01

    531/10/2014 08:17 0.041WST/INR

  • Try Below Query!!!

    select R.seqNum, r.StartTime, r.price, (l.price - r.price) as Diff

    , AVG((l.price - r.price)) over(partition by month(r.starttime)) as average

    from dbo.Data R

    left join dbo.Data L

    on R.seqNum = L.seqNum - 1

  • Thanks for your help

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