SSRS - remote configuration

  • Hi,

    We are trying to install just the BIDS in a user machine to be able to develop reports remotely. I have a couple of questions.

    1. In my current scenario, SQL server is already setup with the reporting services in say, Machine1. Can it be reconfigured so that a user in Machine2, trying to develop a report, access report server DB in Machine1?

    2. Can this be done in such a way that, first we want to point BIDS to a sample database (like Adventureworks etc.) in Machine1, before trying to develop reports with the actual database?

    Could anyone help with the detailed steps involved.

    I have done development of reports with an SQL server installation and configuration in the same machine sometime before, but not remote. I looked for manuals, there is help available, but for this scenario, I want to confirm with the steps involved.Any input in this regard would be extremely helpful.



  • Yep, perfectly possible.

    The deployment target is set in the solution settings - open the solution in BIDS and right click on the Solution in the solution explorer, and select Properties. TargetReportFolder and TargetServerURL are the important fields.

    To develop against the local database, create a shared datasource in the solution that points to it and use that in the report(s).

    Create another shared datasource pointing at the remote SQL server and switch to that when you're ready.

  • Thanks for your reply Gazareth.

  • No problem!

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