That old conversion failed Date Time error

  • Hi All,

    Apologies if I have committed a sin but am starting a new thread after updating another as this is more SSRS than SQL itself.

    So I have this sp I have created:

    CREATE Procedure [dbo].[rpt_APV_BY_JOB_TITLE_SALES_PERF]


    @CLUSTER_CODE as nvarchar(3),

    @START_MONTH as nvarchar(2),

    @START_YEAR as nvarchar(4),

    @END_MONTH as nvarchar(2),

    @END_YEAR as nvarchar(4),

    @TITLES as varchar(8000)




    -- exec [dbo].[rpt_APV_BY_JOB_TITLE] 'SUK','1','2013','12','2013

    set nocount on

    declare @START_DATE AS datetime

    declare @END_DATE AS datetime

    /*SET @START_DATE = @START_YEAR + right('0' + @START_MONTH, 2) + '01 00:00:00'

    SET @END_DATE = @END_YEAR + right ('0' +@END_MONTH, 2) + '01 00:00:00'

    SET @END_DATE = Dateadd(m,1,@END_DATE)*/

    set @START_DATE = @START_YEAR + '-' + @START_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00'

    set @END_DATE = @END_YEAR + '-' + @END_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00'

    set @END_DATE = DateAdd(m,1,@END_DATE)


    select count(distinct V.REF) as [Number Of Refs],

    count(distinct APP.APP_ID) as [Number of Apps],

    case when v.SERVICE_SUB_CATEGORY like 'L%' then 'Standard'

    when v.SERVICE_SUB_CATEGORY like 'S%' then 'Branded'

    else 'Bespoke' end as [Ref Type],

    s.Item as [Job Title],

    coalesce(count(distinct app.APP_ID),0)/cast(count(distinct v.REF)as float) as [APV]

    from REF V

    inner join APP APP with (NOLOCK) on APP.REF = V.REF

    inner join SITE_CLUSTER_X scx with (NOLOCK) on V.AGENCY_CC = scx.SITE_CODE and scx.CLUSTER_CODE = @cluster_code

    -- Here's the magic

    inner join dbo.DelimitedSplit8k(@TITLES, ',') s ON V.JOB_TITLE like '%' + s.Item + '%'


    where v.CREATE_DATE >= @START_DATE


    group by s.Item,

    case when v.SERVICE_SUB_CATEGORY like 'L%' then 'Standard'

    when v.SERVICE_sub_CATEGORY like 'S%' then 'Branded'

    else 'Bespoke' end

    order by [Job Title]



    I had the awesome help from others with this:

    So I have added a delimiter to my report so people can add in job titles wildcard style between specific dates.

    Works as an sp like a DREAM. In SSRS not so much it throws up the conversion failed error.

    Any pointers? I am assuming it's because there are no datetime on the function but I am unsure where I would put that. Can't change the date format in SSRS params as they are month and year and not the whole date.

    As per usual I am almost there and this is warping my mind hehe. As always, greatly appreciated!:-)

  • Please post the full text of the error message.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • It is:

    An error occurred during local report processing.

    An error has occurred during report processing.

    Query execution failed for dataset "FULL_DATA".

    Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

    No errors when I run the sp manually in the data set or in SSMS, only happens when I do a preview and try to view the data via that.

    Thank you!

  • Instead of

    set @START_DATE = @START_YEAR + '-' + @START_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00'

    set @END_DATE = @END_YEAR + '-' + @END_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00'

    Try this:

    set @START_DATE = try_Parse(@START_YEAR + '-' + @START_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00' as datetime);

    set @END_DATE = try_parse(@END_YEAR + '-' + @END_MONTH + '- 01 00:00:00' as datetime);

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • You know, I am a good baker I wish I could pay all you good people in cakes.

    Worked perfectly, am adding try_parse to my list of things newly learnt. I kept trying convert with the datetime piece and it wasn't working. Thank you VERY much

  • Hmm it's always something. Oddly no data is going into the table although the report will run/no errors. So got a table with the headers but no data.

    Running fine everywhere else, any suggestions? I am also googling as well.

  • Those cakes sound tempting:-)

    What I suspect is that the TRY_PARSE is merely hiding a more fundamental problem. The fact that you were getting errors before means (I think) that the result of the TRY_PARSE is NULL and that's feeding into your WHERE clause and consequently selecting zero rows.

    Also, do you really need to use DateTimes - it looks like dates should be accurate enough.

    You could try feeding some error-trapping in too, in the hope of getting some useful info back out at point of failure. Have a look at this & see whether it may help:

    SET nocount ON;



    DECLARE @Msg varchar(100);




    SET @END_DATE = DateAdd(m,1,@END_DATE);



    SET @Msg = concat('Date conversion issue. ', 'Start year: ', cast(@start_year AS varchar(10)), ' Start month: ', cast(@Start_Month AS varchar(10)));

    THROW 999999, @Msg, 1


    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Check the defaults for your parameters or avoid your report from executing automatically.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thank you again for this, I am reading everything at the moment so thoroughly as it can only make my coding better :).

    If I tell you what I did you might laugh. I deleted the dataset and started again and lo and behold it appeared. I just had a funny feeling that might work, of all the things!

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