execution of function with TVP

  • HI. I am trying to execute the following function ( it is not mine)

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Dis]


    @dis_code int,@Title_Codes Title_Code_List READONLY, reference_date date


    RETURNS @dis_result TABLE


    [distribution_code] [bigint] NULL,

    [title_code] [numeric](10, 0) NOT NULL




    declare @cur_month date

    declare @ref_month date

    WITH Original _CTE (title_code, original_code_doc)



    select KWTIT, KWDIK from [dbo].[history]

    inner join @Title_Codes on KWTIT=title_code

    where ref_month = @ref_month


    select b.KWTIT ,b.KWDIKfrom @Title_Codes a

    left outer join [dbo].[history] b

    on KWTIT=title_code and b.ref_month=@cur_month

    left outer join [dbo].[history] c

    on c.KWTIT=title_code and c.ref_month=@ref_month


    b.KWTIT is not null and c.KWTIT is null


    Could you tell me how can I execute the above function. How can I find the values from @Title_Codes ?

    I try this select * from [dbo].[Dis] ('14230', '2015-01-28 12:06:26.990')

    Is not working

    Thanks in advance

  • @Title_Codes is a table valued parameter, so it must be treated as a table:

    DECLARE @title_codes AS Title_Code_List;

    -- I don't know the definition of the table type. Look it up.

    INSERT INTO @title_codes VALUES ('whatever')

    SELECT *

    FROM [dbo].[Dis] ('14230', @title_codes, '2015-01-28 12:06:26.990');

    That said, I hope the code you posted is partial and there's more happening in that function.

    As it is coded now, it's a multi-statement table valued function, which is a well known performance disaster.

    Moreover, there is nothing assigning a value to @cur_month and @ref_month, so they will always be = NULL.

    In addition, you don't always need UNION, unless you need DISTINCT results from that set. UNION ALL will outperform in that case.

    If possible, rewrite the code as follows:

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Dis]


    @dis_code int,@Title_Codes Title_Code_List READONLY, reference_date date





    WITH Original _CTE (title_code, original_code_doc)



    select KWTIT, KWDIK from [dbo].[history]

    inner join @Title_Codes on KWTIT=title_code

    where ref_month = (expression to calculate @ref_month)


    select b.KWTIT ,b.KWDIK from @Title_Codes a

    left outer join [dbo].[history] b

    on KWTIT=title_code and b.ref_month=(expression to calculate @cur_month)

    left outer join [dbo].[history] c

    on c.KWTIT=title_code and c.ref_month=(expression to calculate @ref_month)


    b.KWTIT is not null and c.KWTIT is null


    -- Gianluca Sartori

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