How do I show a single datapoint on a line graph

  • OK,if I find the answer I'll post it here as well

    The situation is as follows:

    I got a report showing production of goods for the past 14 days by default

    The user can select begin & end dates

    Not for all dates there is data (this is due to migration of services)

    I do have build a query to show value 0 for dates where there is no data,so that when a user select 7 days 7 values are shown

    However a user can choose to select a single day,how can I show this on the report.

    Thx for the help & suggestions

  • Choose "line with markers" as graph type.

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  • That would be a solution but what if the user selects to show all the data of the past 3 years,then the we wouldn't be able to see the graph through the markers.

  • Resender (9/24/2014)

    That would be a solution but what if the user selects to show all the data of the past 3 years,then the we wouldn't be able to see the graph through the markers.

    That's what expressions are for 🙂

    Resize the markers or make them invisible if necesssary.

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  • Koen Verbeeck (9/24/2014)

    That's what expressions are for 🙂

    Resize the markers or make them invisible if necesssary.

    =IIF(DateDiff("d",Parameters!bd.Value,Parameters!ed.Value) = 0,"3.75pt","0pt")

    Will show the markers when only 1 day is selected

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