Need help optimizing this stored proc

  • Hi All,

    I've inherited this stored proc and I'm trying to improve the performance of it. I really hate a couple of things about the way it was written.

    First, I hate that it's broken into two inserts rather than one insert with the selects done as a union between the two selects.

    Second, I hate that each query uses two other subqueries. I'm thinking of changing that to either CTEs or possibly temp tables. I'm just not sure which is the better way to go, so I'm asking the SQL community at large.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [stg].[p_ads_Staging_ScanSummary_Load] AS


    TRUNCATE TABLE ADS.STG.Staging_ScanSummary

    INSERT INTO ADS.STG.Staging_ScanSummary












    '0' AS Wholesale_scan_count,

    '0' AS wbsscancount,

    [retail_scan_count] AS Nbrscans,

    'Retail' as Loadsource

    FROM (











    sum([retail_scan_count]) AS [retail_scan_count]



    o.sublatcode AS Region,

    C.CompanyCode AS Company,

    D.DepartmentCode AS DepartmentCode,

    Isnull(M.ModalityID,CSN.ModalityID) AS ModalityID,

    CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),IGY.CustNmbr) AS CustomerNbr,

    ISNULL(CA.UnitNbr,'0000') AS Asset_id,

    IGY.DOS AS Servicedate,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.[Date] = IGY.DOS) AS Date_ID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.[Date] = IGY.PostDate) AS PostDate,

    IGY.[ScanCount] AS [retail_scan_count]

    FROM[ADS].[dbo].[Intergy_RetailRevenueDetailAINEHE] IGY

    JOIN ADW.DIM.CustomerServiceNumber CSN

    ON CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),IGY.CustNmbr) = CSN.CustomerServiceNumber

    JOIN ADW.dim.Company C

    ON CSN.CompanyID = C.CompanyID

    LEFT JOIN ADW.dim.Modality M

    ON IGY.modality = M.modalitycode

    JOIN ADW.dim.Department D

    ON D.DepartmentID = CASE WHEN M.departmentID is null then (select MO.departmentID from adw.dim.Modality MO where MO.ModalityID = csn.ModalityID) else

    M.departmentID end

    JOIN ADW.DIM.Period P

    ON IGY.DOS = P.[Date]

    JOIN ADW.dim.orgunit o

    ON o.orgunitid=CSN.orgunitid

    LEFT JOIN ADW.dim.v_CurrentAsset CA

    ON CA.UnitNbr = IGY.Unit

    WHERE CSN.Is_Current = 1


    group by Region,Company,DepartmentCode,ModalityID,CustomerNbr,Asset_id,Servicedate,Date_ID,PostDate

    HAVING SUM(ISNULL([retail_scan_count],0)) <> 0)INTERGYOUTPUT

    INSERT INTO ADS.STG.Staging_ScanSummary











    '0' AS [retail_scan_count],



    WholeSaleScanCount AS Nbrscans,

    'Wholesale' as Loadsource

    FROM (






    ServiceNbr AS CustomerNbr,

    UnitSegment AS Asset_id,




    SUM(WholeSaleScanCount) as WholeSaleScanCount,

    SUM(WBScanCount)as WBScanCount



    OU.SubLatCode AS Region,

    C.CompanyCode AS Company,


    ISNull(M.ModalityID,CSN.ModalityID) AS ModalityID,


    ISNULL(CA.UnitNbr,'0000') AS UnitSegment,


    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.[Date] = SO.ServiceDate) AS Date_ID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.[Date] = SO.PostDate) AS PostDate,

    SO.ScanCount as WholeSaleScanCount,

    SO.WBScanCountas WBScanCount

    from [ADS].[dbo].[ScansODS] SO

    JOIN ADW.dim.CustomerServiceNumber CSN

    ON SO.ServiceNbr = CSN.CustomerServiceNumber


    ON CSN.OrgUnitID = OU.OrgUnitID

    join ADW.dim.Company C

    ON CSN.CompanyID = C.CompanyID

    LEFT join ADW.DIM.Modality M

    ON SO.ModalityCode = M.ModalityCode

    JOIN ADW.dim.Department D

    ON D.DepartmentID = CASE WHEN M.departmentID is null then (select MO.departmentID from adw.dim.Modality MO where MO.ModalityID = csn.ModalityID) else

    M.departmentID end

    JOin ADW.DIM.Period P

    ON SO.Servicedate = P.[date]

    LEFT JOIN ADW.dim.v_CurrentAsset CA

    ON CA.UnitNbr = SO.UnitSegment

    Where CSN.Is_Current = 1 AND

    SO.ScanType= 'Wholesale'


    group by Region,Company,DepartmentCode,ModalityID,ServiceNbr,UnitSegment,Servicedate,Date_ID,PostDate)SCANOUTPUT


  • First, you need to replace this strange piece of code:

    LEFT join ADW.DIM.Modality M

    ON SO.ModalityCode = M.ModalityCode

    JOIN ADW.dim.Department D

    ON D.DepartmentID = CASE WHEN M.departmentID is null then (select MO.departmentID from adw.dim.Modality MO where MO.ModalityID = csn.ModalityID) else

    M.departmentID end

    with this one:

    LEFT join ADW.DIM.Modality M ON SO.ModalityCode = M.ModalityCode

    LEFT JOIN adw.dim.Modality MO ON MO.ModalityID = csn.ModalityID

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.Department D ON D.DepartmentID = ISNULL(M.departmentID, MO.departmentID )

    For the rest - as usual, please post table definitions and the current execution plan.

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Oh yeah, and this:

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.[Date] = IGY.DOS) AS Date_ID,

    (SELECT P.DateID FROM ADW.dim.Period P WHERE P.[Date] = IGY.PostDate) AS PostDate,

    IGY.[ScanCount] AS [retail_scan_count]

    FROM[ADS].[dbo].[Intergy_RetailRevenueDetailAINEHE] IGY

    replace with this:

    DOS.P.DateID AS Date_ID, PD.DateID AS PostDate,

    IGY.[ScanCount] AS [retail_scan_count]

    FROM[ADS].[dbo].[Intergy_RetailRevenueDetailAINEHE] IGY

    LEFT JOIN ADW.dim.Period DOS ON DOS.[Date] = IGY.DOS

    LEFT JOIN ADW.dim.Period PD ON PD.[Date] = IGY.PostDate

    Code for TallyGenerator

  • Seems to me that you are using Dimension table from your DW and joining them with a table / view of a staging table. So means no direct relation with the staging table. all to have to use the natural key to join with the table.

    Few things to be in your mind when u do that:

    1. its more like a ETL where L belongs to "Loading") so when you are preparing your staging better remember you have indexes on the joining table. Its feels like most of the queries would be using Table Scan behind the scene. Check query plan for this query. See what is missing and you should be adding those indexes.

    2. Avoid sub queries like Sergiy suggested above. They are RBAR means they will execute for each row and if you have rows in millions then you can imagine what would be the story behind.

    3. Avoid using scalar functions in the JOIN Clause and conditional Join are also performance killer.

    4. Its not a bad thing to load data in from two different data sources and inserting them into same destination. In ETL you do it many times. As long as performance is not an issue you shouldn't be changing that.

    5. Its always better to Pre -Aggregate the data before joining them. It give a better performance as there will be less rows to be processed. So check if you can do that before joining the table.

    Hope it helps.

  • Sergiy (2/24/2016)

    First, you need to replace this strange piece of code:

    LEFT join ADW.DIM.Modality M

    ON SO.ModalityCode = M.ModalityCode

    JOIN ADW.dim.Department D

    ON D.DepartmentID = CASE WHEN M.departmentID is null then (select MO.departmentID from adw.dim.Modality MO where MO.ModalityID = csn.ModalityID) else

    M.departmentID end

    with this one:

    LEFT join ADW.DIM.Modality M ON SO.ModalityCode = M.ModalityCode

    LEFT JOIN adw.dim.Modality MO ON MO.ModalityID = csn.ModalityID

    INNER JOIN ADW.dim.Department D ON D.DepartmentID = ISNULL(M.departmentID, MO.departmentID )

    For the rest - as usual, please post table definitions and the current execution plan.

    Thanks, I'll give those a try. Here's the execution plan:

  • twin.devil (2/24/2016)

    Seems to me that you are using Dimension table from your DW and joining them with a table / view of a staging table. So means no direct relation with the staging table. all to have to use the natural key to join with the table.

    Few things to be in your mind when u do that:

    1. its more like a ETL where L belongs to "Loading") so when you are preparing your staging better remember you have indexes on the joining table. Its feels like most of the queries would be using Table Scan behind the scene. Check query plan for this query. See what is missing and you should be adding those indexes.

    2. Avoid sub queries like Sergiy suggested above. They are RBAR means they will execute for each row and if you have rows in millions then you can imagine what would be the story behind.

    3. Avoid using scalar functions in the JOIN Clause and conditional Join are also performance killer.

    4. Its not a bad thing to load data in from two different data sources and inserting them into same destination. In ETL you do it many times. As long as performance is not an issue you shouldn't be changing that.

    5. Its always better to Pre -Aggregate the data before joining them. It give a better performance as there will be less rows to be processed. So check if you can do that before joining the table.

    Hope it helps.

    Thanks, these are some good suggestions. As I didn't write the initial SP, I just inherited it today I didn't have any ability to avoid subqueries or scalar functions in the joins etc...

    With regards to your #4, would it make more sense to do the selects as a union and only do the insert once vs doing two inserts as it currently is?

    The other avenue I'm thinking of going is using the select(s) as a data source in SSIS and using that to do the insert.

  • Okay for some reason the link to the execution plan didn't come out right. Here it is again

  • Its not an issue really to inherit SP most of the guys have worked on inherited code. The thing what you are willing to make it better. So i would say this is an opportunity for you to get your hand dirty. As per your query plan the major Hit you are getting due to table scan like i shared earlier and 2ndly you are getting hit by missing indexes, and third you are using conditional joins.

    My question would be have you tried anything yet at your end so far as per suggested earlier?

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