best practice to do this join

  • hi,

    what would be the best way to do the join I have in the example file? It is getting a bit too difficult for me... πŸ™‚

    I tried to do:

    SELECT,tb1.contract,tb1.amount FROM tb2 LEFT OUTER JOIN


    GROUP BY,tb1.contract,tb1.amount

    but the problem is that I want to get for example 2.1.2016 for each contract but now I only get it once because such a date doesn't exist in the tb1 table for any contract. So, something more complex is needed



  • Hi Jack

    Please check this out:

    WITH rt (rn, date,contact,ammout) AS

    (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ORDER BY AS rn ,,,s1.amount from tb2 AS s2 LEFT OUTER JOIN tb1 AS s1 ON >=

    SELECT,,rt.ammout FROM rt INNER JOIN

    (SELECT date,contact,max(rn) as rn FROM rt

    GROUP BY contact,date) as t ON rt.rn =t.rn AND = and =

    ORDER BY,;

    Best regards


  • -- sample data:

    DROP TABLE #source_table_1

    CREATE TABLE #source_table_1 ([contract] VARCHAR(2), [date] DATE, amount INT)

    INSERT INTO #source_table_1 ([contract], [date], amount) VALUES







    DROP TABLE #source_table_2

    CREATE TABLE #source_table_2 ([date] DATE)

    INSERT INTO #source_table_2 ([date]) VALUES





    -- query:

    SELECT matrix.[contract], matrix.[date], st1.amount

    FROM (

    SELECT t1.[contract], t2.[date]

    FROM (SELECT DISTINCT [contract] FROM #source_table_1) t1

    CROSS JOIN #source_table_2 t2

    ) matrix

    LEFT JOIN #source_table_1 st1

    ON st1.[contract] = matrix.[contract] AND st1.[date] = matrix.[date]

    -- Can you explain what the rules are for filling in the NULL values?

    β€œWrite the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • As long as you really are on SQL Server 2012, the following will jive you the desired result...

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Table1') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Table1;

    CREATE TABLE #Table1 (

    Contract CHAR(2),

    [Date] DATE,

    Amount MONEY


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Table2') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Table2;

    CREATE TABLE #Table2 (

    [Date] DATE


    INSERT #Table1 (Contract,Date,Amount) VALUES

    ('XX', '20160101',100),

    ('XX', '20160104',200),

    ('YY', '20160101',300),

    ('YY', '20160104',400),

    ('ZZ', '20160101',500),

    ('ZZ', '20160104',600);

    INSERT #Table2 (Date) VALUES





    WITH CrossDates AS (




    FROM (

    SELECT DISTINCT t1.Contract

    FROM #Table1 t1

    ) c

    CROSS JOIN #Table2 t2





    MAX(t1.Amount) OVER (PARTITION BY cd.Contract ORDER BY cd.Date) AS Amount


    #Table1 t1

    FULL JOIN CrossDates cd

    ON t1.Contract = cd.Contract

    AND t1.Date = cd.Date





    Contract Date Amount

    -------- ---------- ---------------------

    XX 2016-01-01 100.00

    XX 2016-01-02 100.00

    XX 2016-01-03 100.00

    XX 2016-01-04 200.00

    YY 2016-01-01 300.00

    YY 2016-01-02 300.00

    YY 2016-01-03 300.00

    YY 2016-01-04 400.00

    ZZ 2016-01-01 500.00

    ZZ 2016-01-02 500.00

    ZZ 2016-01-03 500.00

    ZZ 2016-01-04 600.00

  • Thanks a lot guys for your answers, it has been really busy times, so apologies for a late reply. Unfortunately I read the best practices in posting questions after I asked mine. So, for the next one I'll add a code that inserts the data into tempdb! Sorry for the extra work you had to do. πŸ™‚

    The answers you gave are really cool, only small part missing. The code from Chris creates NULL amounts for dates not included in table_1. Amounts should be based on the date. So, for contract XX if date is <4.1.2016 amount should be 100 and if date=4.1.2016 it should be 200.

    The code sent by Jason works otherwise but the logic to fill NULL amounts isn't the MAX as in the script. So, if the amount for XX in 4.1.2016 would be 50 the script would return wrong result for 4.1.2016: 100 instead of 50.

    Any ideas how to implement the logic above? Thanks already for your answers, have helped a lot!



  • jaakkojuntunen (9/21/2015)

    Thanks a lot guys for your answers, it has been really busy times, so apologies for a late reply. Unfortunately I read the best practices in posting questions after I asked mine. So, for the next one I'll add a code that inserts the data into tempdb! Sorry for the extra work you had to do. πŸ™‚

    The answers you gave are really cool, only small part missing. The code from Chris creates NULL amounts for dates not included in table_1. Amounts should be based on the date. So, for contract XX if date is <4.1.2016 amount should be 100 and if date=4.1.2016 it should be 200.

    The code sent by Jason works otherwise but the logic to fill NULL amounts isn't the MAX as in the script. So, if the amount for XX in 4.1.2016 would be 50 the script would return wrong result for 4.1.2016: 100 instead of 50.

    Any ideas how to implement the logic above? Thanks already for your answers, have helped a lot!



    Try this:

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Table1') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Table1;

    CREATE TABLE #Table1 (

    Contract CHAR(2),

    [Date] DATE,

    Amount MONEY


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Table2') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #Table2;

    CREATE TABLE #Table2 (

    [Date] DATE


    INSERT #Table1 (Contract,Date,Amount) VALUES

    ('XX', '20160101',100),

    ('XX', '20160104',200),

    ('YY', '20160101',300),

    ('YY', '20160104',400),

    ('ZZ', '20160101',500),

    ('ZZ', '20160104',600);

    INSERT #Table2 (Date) VALUES





    SELECT t2.Date, t1.Contract, t1.Amount

    FROM #Table1 t1

    CROSS JOIN #Table2 t2



    SELECT 1

    FROM #Table1 t1v2

    WHERE t1v2.Date > t1.Date

    AND t1v2.Date <= t2.Date


    GROUP BY t1.Contract, t1.Date, t1.Amount, t2.Date

    HAVING t1.Date <= t2.Date

  • jaakkojuntunen (9/21/2015)

    Any ideas how to implement the logic above? Thanks already for your answers, have helped a lot!



    It would be helpful if you were to supply some representative test data. Without that, we're all just guessing.

  • Thanks a lot guys for your help! I'll try to form a better question next time! πŸ™‚

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