Blog Post

Pragmatic Works Webcasts This Week #passwit


WebcamEvery week, Pragmatic Works offers up its “Training on the Ts” webcast series and this month, in honor of Women’s History Month, the series is showcasing all of its sessions with women speakers.  Doing this offers all of us a chance highlight some of the female voices in our male dominated field.  Hopefully, this focus inspires some to take the chance to present at their user groups.  And, if not, provides everyone a chance to learn a few new things about SQL Server.

AlwaysOn Availability Groups

This Tuesday, my co-worker, Kathi Kellenberger (Blog | @auntkathi) will be presenting “AlwaysOn Availability Groups“.  This session will, as you may think, is about AlwaysOn Availability Groups in SQL Server 2012.  The session abstract is:

Clustering, Database Mirroring, Log Shipping… You have many choices today when designing your HADR solution. AlwaysOn Availability Groups is new with SQL Server 2012. Attend this session to learn how to simplify your HADR strategy, save your company money, and attain the uptime your business requires.

The webcast begins at 11 AM EST on March 19 and you can register here to get the meeting details.

HDInsight: Jiving about Hadoop and Hive with CAT

On Thursday, fellow MCM Cindy Gross (Blog | @SQLCindy) will be presenting “HDInsight: Jiving about Hadoop and Hive with CAT“.  If you’re still getting up to speed on Hadoop and HDInsight this is a session for you.  Get the information you need to know where you fit in the world of Big Data.  The abstract for the session is:

Hearing the buzz about Big Data and Hadoop? Wondering if you need to be involved? Want to know how to reuse your SQL Pro skills in Hadoop via Hive? We’ll discuss how Microsoft is packaging Hadoop into HDInsight, how Hive fits into Hadoop, why you as a SQL Pro should be involved, and how to use Hive with SQL, AS, and BI.

The webcast begins at 11 AM EST on March 21 and you can register here to get the meeting details.

Sessions Already This Month

If you missed it, there were a few other Women In Technology session already this month that you might be interested in:

Check these out, there’s always time to learn something new.



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