Check valid Date for all Columns in all tables for current DB

  • Hi,

    for ETL-Processing i need a function, who check all columns in all tables with spec. Name (see code) and Data_Type nvarchar. If the Value isn't a valid Dateformat, then printout....

    The Datatype is allways nvarchar (because its a staging table)

    I have a little codesnippet addet... 🙂


    Regards Nicole 😉

    ;with cte





    WHERE (COLUMN_NAME LIKE '%date%' or COLUMN_NAME like '%create%')

    and DATA_TYPE = 'nvarchar'


    Select all columns from all cte.tables where column.value != korrekt Dateformat;

  • You really need to post some sample data

    You could use isdate()

    declare @Table table

    (DateColumn nvarchar(20))

    insert into @Table

    select '2015-01-01' union all

    select '31/01/2015' union all

    select '01/31/2015' union all

    select '2015-01-01 00:00:00' union all

    select '2015-01-01 11:26:35' union all

    select 'XYZ' union all

    select null

    select DateColumn, isdate(DateColumn) as ValidDate

    from @Table

    DateColumn ValidDate

    -------------------- -----------

    2015-01-01 1

    31/01/2015 0

    01/31/2015 1

    2015-01-01 00:00:00 1

    2015-01-01 11:26:35 1

    XYZ 0

    NULL 0

    Note it won't work for UK format unless you have modifed the language/dateformat. Maybe this isn't an issue for you though.

  • hi, i know isdate()-Function. I need this for all Tables, Columns...

  • Nicole

    You say it's for ETL processing - are you using SSIS? If so, you might consider weeding out the invalid values in your data flow. There are ways of doing it in T-SQL, but you'll end up with a lot of ugly-looking dynamic SQL.


  • Nicole

    You say it's for ETL processing - are you using SSIS? If so, you might consider weeding out the invalid values in your data flow. There are ways of doing it in T-SQL, but you'll end up with a lot of ugly-looking dynamic SQL.


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