Blog Post

Time to Chat


The greatest part of my job is that I get to travel all over the world to present different technical sessions. But, it’s not the presentations that make it cool. It’s the fact that I get to meet people. I get a chance to hang out with my #sqlfamily. I get a chance to make new friendships. Those contacts are amazing. I love the opportunity to sit down and talk to people about what they’re doing with technology, the challenges they face, what’s common with my own experience, what’s different. From all that, I get a chance to grow and learn. Sometimes I even get the chance to help people.

I’m going to be all over the place between now and June. I’d love to get the opportunity to talk with you. If you’d like the same, check out one of these spots.

In just three weeks time, April 6 2013, I’ll be at the Boston SQL Saturday event. I think they’re full on registrations, but you can always get on the waiting list.

Right after that, April 8-11 2013, I’ll be at a new event, SQL Intersection, in Las Vegas. This one is looking like an event you don’t want to miss. Some of the smartest and most helpful people I know will be there. That list includes, but isn’t limited to, Paul Randal, Joe Sack, Paul White, Kim Tripp. If that’s not enough incentive to get you there, then allow me to add a little more. If you register for the show package, you get a Microsoft Surface tablet. All right, let me sweeten the pot just a little, register with my code: ‘Fritc’, and you get $50 off. This is going to be one heck of a great event with the chance to learn from and network with some truly amazing people. And I’ll be there too. Don’t miss this. Register now and use my code, ‘Fritc’.

Don’t want to go to Vegas? Live on the other side of the pond somewhere in Europe. Fine. I’m on my way over there too. The first time this year will be at SQLBits in Nottingham, UK. It’s my first time at SQLBits and I’m really looking forward to it. That’s May 2-4 2013. I’m speaking on Saturday, but I’ll be there Friday too. Let’s talk.

After that, we’re back to this side of the pond and my side of the continent to SQL Saturday Rochester, May 11 2013. It was a simply amazing event last year, so I don’t think you want to miss it this year. If you’re anywhere close to the area, get registered. There are great people lining up to speak at this one. You will be happy you visited.

Then we’re going way down South to New Orleans for TechEd North America 2013. That’s June 3-6. But, before all the fun of TechEd really gets going, I’m helping Thomas LaRock and Dandy Weyn put on a pre-conference, all day long, seminar on How to be a Successful DBA in the Changing World of Cloud and On-Premises Data on June 2. This is going to be one heck of a great session. If you’re at all wondering what the fuss is about with all this Azure stuff, come to this event and we will absolutely let you know why you should be adding this tool to your toolbox and we’ll show you how. Remember, you don’t want to move everything you have to the cloud, you want to learn how to mix this in at the right points with your existing infrastructure in order to maximise the opportunities of both environments. Register here for this amazing opportunity. And then I’ll presenting during the rest of TechEd. Track me down in the teaming hords and say hello.

Then we’re going back across the Atlantic again. June 21st I’m going to have the great privilege to once again speak to you in London at Red Gate’s own SQL in the City event. I love that my company puts one one of the great events of the year. If you haven’t been to one yet, you need to find your way to this one. It’s going to be worth your time and trouble, guaranteed. Registration opens on March 21st.

Since I’m already over there, I guess I meander south to take part in TechEd Europe. This will be in Madrid, Spain, June 25-28. I’ll be presenting the same sessions as New Orleans. Register now to get early bird savings. They expire really soon. Tom, Dandy and I are working hard on putting together the best information and the best presentation. You’re going to love it and learn from it.

Boston, Las Vegas, Nottingham, Rochester, New Orleans, London, Madrid. Guys, I’m trying hard to get within reach of as many of you as I can. Find your way to an event and let’s have a chat.


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