Deleting child node in XML

  • **I have a XML variable with the following data:**

    DECLARE @CropXML xml

    set @CropXML =

    ' <Crop Id="8" Name="Apricot" Type="1">


    <Variety Id="1" Name="General" PlantsPerHa="0" FertApplicationMethod="1" ImageId="44" PlantsPerHaUnit="0">


    <SoilType Id="1" Name="General">


    <YieldGoal Id="1" Name="10" YieldGoalUnits="0">

    <Stages UnitId="1" P_Cbo="0" K_Cbo="0" Ca_Cbo="0" Mg_Cbo="0" S_Cbo="0">

    <Stage Id="1" StageName="Total Nutrient Uptake" Duration="180" ApplicationInterval="180" UnitId="1" N_Val="39" P_Val="5.24" K_Val="75.52" Ca_Val="57.39" Mg_Val="10.86" />



    <YieldGoal Id="2" Name="30" YieldGoalUnits="0">

    <Stages UnitId="1" P_Cbo="0" K_Cbo="0" Ca_Cbo="0" Mg_Cbo="0" S_Cbo="0">

    <Stage Id="1" StageName="Total Nutrient Uptake" Duration="365" ApplicationInterval="365" UnitId="1" N_Val="93" P_Val="13.09" K_Val="179.25" Ca_Val="124.82" Mg_Val="28.97" />



    <YieldGoal Id="3" Name="40" YieldGoalUnits="0">

    <Stages UnitId="1" P_Cbo="0" K_Cbo="0" Ca_Cbo="0" Mg_Cbo="0" S_Cbo="0">

    <Stage Id="1" StageName="Total Nutrient Uptake" Duration="365" ApplicationInterval="365" UnitId="1" N_Val="120" P_Val="17.02" K_Val="230.71" Ca_Val="158.54" Mg_Val="38.02" />



    <YieldGoal Id="4" YieldGoalUnits="0" Name="20.00">

    <Stages UnitId="1" P_Cbo="2" K_Cbo="1" Ca_Cbo="1" Mg_Cbo="1" S_Cbo="0">

    <Stage Id="1" StageName="Total Nutrient Uptake" Duration="124" ApplicationInterval="124" N_Val="90.000" P_Val="32.000" K_Val="154.00000" Ca_Val="126.99999" Mg_Val="33.00000" />

    <Stage Id="2" StageName="Bud swelling" Duration="11" ApplicationInterval="11" N_Val="3.400" P_Val="4.900" K_Val="3.200" Ca_Val="0.000" Mg_Val="0.000" />

    <Stage Id="3" StageName="Leaves expansion and flowering" Duration="13" ApplicationInterval="13" N_Val="10.200" P_Val="7.400" K_Val="19.300" Ca_Val="14.400" Mg_Val="7.700" />

    <Stage Id="4" StageName="Fruit set" Duration="23" ApplicationInterval="23" N_Val="20.300" P_Val="7.400" K_Val="25.700" Ca_Val="36.300" Mg_Val="7.700" />

    <Stage Id="5" StageName="Beginning of fruit maturing" Duration="13" ApplicationInterval="13" N_Val="18.300" P_Val="4.900" K_Val="32.100" Ca_Val="44.400" Mg_Val="12.800" />

    <Stage Id="6" StageName="Maturing" Duration="41" ApplicationInterval="41" N_Val="20.300" P_Val="2.500" K_Val="38.500" Ca_Val="43.800" Mg_Val="7.700" />

    <Stage Id="7" StageName="Fruit ripe for consumption" Duration="9" ApplicationInterval="9" N_Val="20.300" P_Val="2.500" K_Val="32.100" Ca_Val="13.800" Mg_Val="3.800" />

    <Stage Id="8" StageName="Post harvest" N_Val="4.100" P_Val="2.500" K_Val="3.200" Ca_Val="6.300" Mg_Val="2.600" Duration="14" ApplicationInterval="14" />



    <YieldGoal Id="5" Name="25.00" YieldGoalUnits="0">

    <Stages UnitId="1" P_Cbo="0" K_Cbo="0" Ca_Cbo="0" Mg_Cbo="0" S_Cbo="0">

    <Stage Id="1" StageName="Total Nutrient Uptake" Duration="365" ApplicationInterval="365" N_Val="112.000" P_Val="17.45962" K_Val="153.52697" Ca_Val="107.60402" Mg_Val="24.74351" />








    </Crop> '

    I try to delete the entire node child

    <Stage Id="1" StageName="Total Nutrient Uptake" Duration="124" ApplicationInterval="124" N_Val="90.000" P_Val="32.000" K_Val="154.00000" Ca_Val="126.99999" Mg_Val="33.00000" />

    under the following node keys

    @cropid =8

    @varietyid= 1


    @StageId =1

    declare @cropid int,@varietyid int,@yieldid int,@StageId int,

    @cropXML XML,@CropXmlafter XML

    set @cropid =8

    set @varietyid= 1

    set @yieldid=4

    set @StageId =1

    select @cropXML

    set @cropXML.modify('delete /Crop/Varieties/Variety[Id=sql:variable("@varietyid")]



    select @cropXML

    I try ALSO TO REMOVE THE [1] IN THE LAST xquery sentence , but nothing .

    Its works,But nothing has been changed, why

    I try the following code but nothing:

    SET @cropXML = (SELECT DataXml from dbo.Crop

    WHERE DataXml.value('(Crop/Id)[1]','int')= @cropid)

    SET @cropXML.modify('


    if ((/Crop/Varieties/Variety/Id=sql:variable("@varietyid")) and

    (/Crop/Variety/SoilTypes/SoilType/YieldGoals/YieldGoal/Id=sql:variable("@yieldid")) and


    then (/Crop/Variety/SoilTypes/SoilType/YieldGoals/YieldGoal/Stages/Stage[1])



    by setting the XML variable from its original col table

    I will appreciate any idea,Thank's

  • Quick fix adding the "@" to the attribute names;-)



    delete (/Crop/Varieties/Variety[@Id=sql:variable("@varietyid")]/SoilTypes/SoilType/YieldGoals/YieldGoal[@Id=sql:variable("@yieldid")]/Stages/Stage[@Id=sql:variable("@StageId")])[1]


  • thank you. so quick so simple

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