April 8, 2016 at 8:45 am
Had an application start timing out yesterday, it's a simple report. while restarting SQL fixed the problem, I'm trying to figure out what exactly happened:
The error shows:
A possible infinite recompile was detected for SQLHANDLE 0x03000C000B44523E2E6999009BA500000100000000000000, PlanHandle 0x05000C000B44523E40C1EE94000000000000000000000000, starting offset 492, ending offset 2310. The last recompile reason was 6.
The last recompile reason was 6: which is Remote Rowset Changed
But can't seem to find what exactly 'Remote Rowset Changed' means in relation to this problem. The SP receive's two params retrieves a simple report:
Thank you
DECLARE @bdate VARCHAR(12)=null,
@edate VARCHAR(12)=null
SET @StartDate = @bdate + ' 12:00:00 AM'
SET @EndDate = @edate + ' 11:59:59 PM'
CASE WHEN BO.Office IS NULL THEN 'Admin' ELSE 'Support'
END AS EmpType,
su.Username AS NTAuth,
dbo.FirstCaps(ISNULL(unv.FullName,su.Username)) AS
MIN(Date_Time) as FirstIn,
MAX(Date_Time) as LastOut,
CONVERT(NUMERIC(18,2),DATEDIFF(mi,MIN(Date_Time),MAX(Date_Time)) / 60) AS ShiftDur
FROM v_login_logout_all su
LEFT JOIN Server.DB.dbo.unv_Employee unv ON unv.NTAuth COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT = su.Username
LEFT JOIN Tracked_Emps TE on TE.Username=su.Username
LEFT JOIN Admins_Office AD on AD.Username=su.Username
LEFT JOIN Back_Office BO on BO.Username=su.Username
WHERE su.Date_Time BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate
--AND ComputerName NOT LIKE 'JVM%'
GROUP BY TE.OFFICE,unv.FullName,su.Username,dbo.DTO_V(Date_Time),BO.Office,AD.Office
ORDER BY TE.Office, UserName,dbo.DTO_V(Date_Time)
April 8, 2016 at 8:59 am
The LEFT JOIN Server.DB.dbo.unv_Employee very much looks like 4-part naming referencing a linked server. If so, that will likely be the remote rowset referred to.
Check to see what changes to schema, permissions, etc. might have been changed for that remote table.
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