Finding retention of a person

  • I would like to ask if anyone would be able to help out with this. I would be more than happy to upload the data (need some help with that). But what I am needing is the following.

    1. I need to know which people (the first column in the dataset) attending the golf event in 2013 out to current.

    2. Then find out if that person returned the next year

    3. Also if that person returned to the event after skipping a couple of years.

  • suggest you read this link and post back with suggested details

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • I have included the file now.

  • Stephen crocker (3/21/2016)

    I have included the file now.

    pk...based on your data that you have now supplied....what are your expected results, based on this data?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • What i'm needing on the data is to find the records that their first time at the Golf Event found in the GOLF<year> column, then if they came back the next year or not.

    so for example

    1. I need to know who the people were that their first Golf event was in GOLF2013 then did those people comeback in 14, 15, 16 is so which ones.

    2. Then I need to know the same thing for Golf2014 15 and 2016 is the easy one just seeing who has one previously attended event (the second column) and 2016 is a one.

    I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the 15 to 16 so if they came 16 did they come in 14.

    I'm trying to manipulate the data for analysis in Tableau but want to figure this out in SQL First or do I already have what I need to put it into tableau and analyze the data their.

    I hope this makes since.

  • having now looked at your sample data, I am none the wiser.

    you have 39 rows...all of whom it "appears" attended in year 2013 (assume that "1" = attendance).....but none of them have attended in any other years (all other columns = 0)

    can I ask if this "table" is actually how your data is being stored or is this a "pivot view" of some other recordsource?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • OOps try this one as the data source. Sorry I was messing with the query earlier.

  • Stephen crocker (3/21/2016)

    OOps try this one as the data source. Sorry I was messing with the query earlier.

    ok...will take a look later

    can I repeat my earlier question please

    is this "table" actually how your data is being stored or is this a "pivot view" of some other recordsource?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • It's a pivoted view i'm querying against.

  • maybe easier if we worked on the recordsource rather than the pivot me thinks.

    can you supply sample data for the base recordset?

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • sure, I think I can pull that together, might be later today

  • heres a few thoughts

    hopefully code comments explain

    EDIT -- error in code posted...please new post below

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • oop error in previous code

    try this

    USE tempdb


    -- create a temp table that unpivots the data you previously provided as "mytable"

    -- only create records where there was actual attendance ie column = 1

    -- have added additional column to replace itr_cst_key -- only for readabilty and checking

    -- this isnt part of the solution only to provide data that MAY represent your original recordsource

    -- have also added code to rename the columns to describe the "year" could do this with Dynamic SQL if you prefer

    SELECT * , DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY itr_cst_key) rn INTO #golfvisits FROM (

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2010 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2010 = 1) UNION ALL

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2011 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2011 = 1) UNION ALL

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2012 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2012 = 1) UNION ALL

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2013 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2013 = 1) UNION ALL

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2014 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2014 = 1) UNION ALL

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2015 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2015 = 1) UNION ALL

    SELECT itr_cst_key, 2016 as attenddate FROM mytable WHERE (GOLF2016 = 1)) x


    -- using above as the recordsource

    DECLARE @curyear AS INT= 2013; -- alter for other start years

    DECLARE @year1 AS INT= @curyear + 1;

    DECLARE @year2 AS INT= @curyear + 2;

    DECLARE @year3 AS INT= @curyear + 3;


    WITH cte as (

    SELECT rn

    FROM #golfvisits

    GROUP BY rn

    HAVING(MIN(attenddate) = @curyear)


    SELECT cte.rn,

    COUNT(g.attenddate) AS totalvisits,

    SUM(CASE WHEN g.attenddate = @year1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS y1,

    SUM(CASE WHEN g.attenddate = @year2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS y2,

    SUM(CASE WHEN g.attenddate = @year3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS y3

    INTO #visits -- comment out if rename columns is not required

    FROM cte

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT rn, attenddate

    FROM #golfvisits

    WHERE (attenddate > @curyear)) g ON cte.rn = g.rn

    GROUP BY cte.rn;


    -- following only required if you want "YEAR" as column name in results

    EXEC tempdb..sp_rename '#visits.y1', @year1, 'COLUMN'

    EXEC tempdb..sp_rename '#visits.y2', @year2, 'COLUMN'

    EXEC tempdb..sp_rename '#visits.y3', @year3, 'COLUMN'

    SELECT * FROM #visits;


    DROP TABLE #golfvisits;

    DROP TABLE #visits;

    edit changed to include those who only attended once

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • Hey, this looks challenging for my level and I am trying to follow the whole thread but I am not clear on exact request.

    So, let me first confirm if this is what you are after..

    Rule 1:

    Pull, list of people that went to Golf event in "given year" (say for example, 2012) and that was their first Golf event

    Rule 2:

    From Rule 1 set, then pull list of people that returned the next year (in above case, they went in 2012 & in 2013)

    Rule 3:

    From Rule 2 set, then pull list of people returned after "skipping" couple of years

    (in above case, Rule 2 people did not go in 2014 & in 2015 but return in 2016)

    So, in short if I am taking 2012 as my base year then you want to pull list of all people who went in 2012 for the first time and also went in 2013 and did not go in 2014 & 2015 and returned in 2016

    Does that sound right? Or Am I missing anything? Please clarify..

    All that being said, I think if you can change your data to unpivot then your job might be easier..





    Here is the code for that if you are interested..

    --drop table mytable_Unpivot

    ;with cte as


    SELECT itr_cst_key ,TotalYrsGolfReg, [YEAR] ,GolfEventFlag

    FROM [dbo].mytable



    GolfEventFlag FOR [Year] IN (






















    ) ) AS P


    select itr_cst_key, replace(Year,'GOLF','') YEAR, GolfEventFlag,TotalYrsGolfReg

    into mytable_Unpivot

    from cte

    select *

    from mytable_Unpivot

    Order by itr_cst_key, Year


  • It can be done with a combination of UnPivot and Crosstab query.

    ;WITH cte

    AS (SELECT itr_cst_key,


    Replace([year], 'GOLF', '')Year,


    FROM [dbo].mytable

    UNPIVOT ( golfeventflag

    FOR [Year] IN ( [GOLF2013],



    [GOLF2016] ) ) AS T)

    SELECT T.itr_cst_key,



    Max(CASE WHEN T.year = 2013 THEN T.golfeventflag

    ELSE 0 END) ReturnIn2013,

    Max(CASE WHEN T.year = 2014 THEN T.golfeventflag

    ELSE 0 END) ReturnIn2014,

    Max(CASE WHEN T.year = 2015 THEN T.golfeventflag

    ELSE 0 END) ReturnIn2015,

    Max(CASE WHEN T.year = 2016 THEN T.golfeventflag

    ELSE 0 END) ReturnIn2016

    FROM cte T

    GROUP BY T.itr_cst_key,



    ORDER BY T.itr_cst_key,T.year

    Have a look at the attachment with this reply.So basically with this query you can filter the itr_cst_key and the year and at the same time check if the user did attend in the previous/next year.

    For example:If you filter itr_cst_key='147BB8A7-BB00-44AD-B6ED-9C06D4053E76' and year=2013 the query will return if the user attended in year 2013,2014,2015 and 2016

    If your table has additional years you can add this part in the cross tab query based on the no of years you may want to add and add the years to the UnPivot clause.

    Max(CASE WHEN T.year = 'NewYear' THEN T.golfeventflag

    ELSE 0 END) ReturnInNewYear

    EDIT: Removed a redundant APPLY clause

    I am just an another naive wannabe DBA trying to learn SQL Server

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